MLPTP free Valentine's Day Raffle! WINNERS DRAWN!

please don't enter me(cause i already hav them :) give someone else a fair chance) but i did want to say i love so many things,theres to much to list. but the top ones are my hubby John,he's also my best friend & Robyn,our precious girly..I could survive without ponys, but not without Robyn & John.

Thank you for sharing, Nessyb! :) Anyone is welcome to contribute here even if they don't want to be entered in the raffle. ;)
I love my husband David, with all my heart and soul. He's my life and I couldn't live without him. We share so much together, a beautiful little boy named Logan who means the world to me and then some. Then of course we have our pets. Pixiedust my teacup Chihuahua, Sadie my Sheltie, Cira and Oreo my two cats and Kiki and Dakota my parakeets. They're all my family and I love them dearly.

My best friend and I met in first year university. Officially. But it became very clear very quickly that we'd known each other - somehow - for much longer than that. We'd known each other for a grand total of three days before we were finishing each other's sentences. Now we often don't even have to speak to converse. I don't just love her, she's she other half of me. She's my sister, my best friend, tribe. She's the family I chose. She's the one that I know that no matter what's going on at the end of the day, or how much the world tries to throw at me, I know she's there at the end of the day. We're 4,000 miles apart right now, and I can still feel when she's thinking about me, I can still tell when she's hurting...and I still get messages from her just when I need them just making sure that I'm okay.

Both of us have a past that has caused us to not trust others very easily, we don't open up much, but she's the one person that I trust enough to tell all my secrets, not just because I know she'll keep them safe, but because she'll appreciate them for what they are.

She laughs at my jokes and teases me relentlessly about how much I'm like Willow Rosenburg, but when the chips are down, she's totally willing to spend an hour and a half on the phone - long distance - making sure that I'll recover from one of my flashbacks. And if it's really really serious, there are nights when I swear that if I turned over and reached out in my sleep, I'd find her next to me.

Ours is such a complicated relationship, but really, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, at the base of it, it all comes down to just how much I love her.
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Awww this is so sweet of you:hearts:

Also I love my family,because they are very special:D
Why do I love my pets?Because I love animals.In my opinion,all animals are spe cial.Whether it's a wild or tame animal,I love them all.Animals are some of my best friends,and animals are what help to make this world rather fun. :4932:
My pets are extremely special too me,even the chickens:ducky:
First,is my cat Missy:
Next is Marshmallow (a.k.a Muffin,It,wooly,spring:(Her face reminds me of a flutter ponies face;))

And then there is the chickens:
Whiskers aka Muff

Popcorn*Aka Yellow Menace*

Chick-a-dee (aka Sneeze or Kersneezle) Little Pony/Chickadeemakingbreakfast.jpg

Mrs.Peeps(aka Peeps,or Rude Red*As she is mean*) Little Pony/9-15-07003.jpg

Ducky*this is an old pic*
And an OLD group pic of Feather,Peeps,Nibbles,Gimli,Twinkie,Whiskers and the rest of the gang)

Also I have a tadpole named Fran but I don't have any pics of her:)
And that is why I love my pets:D
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I would love to be entered. ^.^ Writing about love for one person is difficult right now. Lately I've been really depressed and not at all feeling the love towards myself so I've been staying away from others so to not make them upset. I've been the most down myself, being an artist, and thinking what I have been doing is bad and nothing I can do is good at all. I felt such great self doubt that I was at the point where I really didn't believe in anything. Then, yesterday I briefly talked to one of my friends, who I used to be really close to ,and he made me feel like I could do anything and that I was amazing. He took some time out of his busy day just to help me. Then one of my teachers, who I thought didn't like me all that much, showed me how much he actually cared and had faith in my abilities. It was genuine , and he actually wants his students to succeed and truly believes in me. I know this is a long tangent just to say I love all those who actually care and take the time to do something simple for someone else, just to remind someone that they are worth something and they can make a difference. I love my friends, without them I would be so lost.

I'm sorry that was so long and I know I was supposed to talk about one person but right now this is how I feel. I truly feel the love. I love all my friends, especially my wonderful roommates (and my boyfriend). Also I can't talk about loving without talking about my family to whom I owe everything to. <3

Feeling all this love makes me want to go out and buy chocolate for everyone (even all the Lovely people at the TP) *runs off to store* <3
Who do I love? Well there a lot of ppl who get that very special place in my heart, one person has to be my mother, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here, or where I am today she's the reason I have a lot of the good things in my life and I'm always gonna love her, she's never too strict yeah there are times we have our disaggreements but the next day we're fine ^^

Next I have to say is my buddie and brain half LLBPonyGirl (KP) I've known her for 5 years now and I gotta say it's been one crazy ride, and it's one I never wnat to stop ^^ Much love always goes out to her ^^

And lastly my love goes out to my closest buddies online and offline ^^ without them I'm not really a person, they are proves why I breath every mornign and why I'll keep livign through the day.

This is so nice! Well I have many loves, my fur children, 3 dogs and numerous kitties and the love of my life Jerry my boyfriend. I first saw Jerry when we were 15 at an underage club, he was up on the stage playing air guitar and I can still remember what he was wearing. The minute I saw him I told my friend that was the boy for me. I could not take my eyes off of him the whole night. I had a crush on him for 3 years in High School but nothing ever happened. We graduated and I didn't see him for 5 long years after that. So years later when we ran into each other again we talked and started spending time together and to make a long story short have been together ever since. 15 years now and everyday I fall more in love with him. He is such a sweet and wonderful man. We have so much fun together. We go to Disney and have the best times. He is so good with our animals. He always picks the kitties up like babies and carries them around and talks to them and rubs their tummys. When Mr. Smudge was a stray outside, we had a bad snow storm and Jerry spent over an hour outside walking up and down the street calling for him because I was worried about him and wanted to make sure he was ok. He always thinks of me and buys things for me that he thinks I would like for no reason other than as a surprise. He takes care of me when I'm sick. He is always there for me and always makes me smile and laugh. He is such a wonderful man and I am so lucky. It's so hard to put into words all that he does for me and our fur kids but he is an amazing man and I am so grateful that he loves me. He tells me and shows me every single day. I would be so lost without him. Here is a picture of us at Disney a few years ago. He even gets his pic with characters with me. I love that!

And pics of my kitty fur children are in my album on my profile. Aren't they so cute?! My youngest Ivy even gives her mommy kisses and just loves to be held. (I have to add her pic.). I am a very lucky person and feel very loved with all of my sweethearts around me!
The loves of my life are my children and my husband. I would be lost without them. The strange thing is that while I was in high school I had decided that I didn't want to get married or have kids. My oldest daughter was a surprise and I feel that I have her to thank for everything I have now. If I hadn't gotten pregnant with her, I don't think that I would have gotten married and subsequently had two more wonderful kids. I can't imagine my life any other way now!
I love my boyfriend Peter. We have been a couple for just over a year and I couldn't be happier. We met online in 2006 and we became really good friends. He is my best friend as well as my boyfriend and I couldn't have wished for a more supportive person to be with. He enables my obessions, including ponies, and I am beyond grateful for everything he does for me. The best part is that he is a geek too, so we are geeky and goofy together. It's taken a long time for me to be comfortable with who I am and I love that I can be that way with him :486: :worthy: :065::love3:

Here is a pic of us on our one year anniversary 2 weeks ago. We went a bit budget with the celebration because we are saving for our New York trip :). Click the pic to see it full size.

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My Valentines are my family - hubby & kids. All mean the world to me - my hubby is my partner in crime and my best friend, my son is my little man and my daughter is my mini-me. They all accept me for who I am, and don't expect me to be anything other than myself. All I need to perk me up is a cuddle from my son, a kiss from my daughter, and a cup of tea from my hubby. My cure for all.

This is my son, my helper and my shopping buddy.
Kids 001.jpg
This is my daughter, my crazy dancing baby pony.
Kids 002.jpg
No photos of me or the hubby as our kind don't show up in photos! hehehe!
I love my husband, Stephen. I've had alot of trials in life, and so has he. He is my best friend. Whenever something is wrong, he makes it right. When i'm sick he helps me get better!(I 've got Rhumetoid arthritis, and am currently getting treated for skin cancer). I also love my mom and dad, (who seem to understand my pony addiction and my quirks) and my best friend Christy, and my two awesome cats,Viktoria and Junior. My husband though, just rocks! He totally agrees with my My Little Pony collecting, and even gets me some here and there when I can't. I've included a pic of the last ones he got me!! Yippee! He has some cool hobbies himself, he's a great guitar player and overall metalhead. My computer broke and am using another one and I don't have any more pics so that you can see him:( He is my perfect valentine, and we have loads of fun togeather. Thanks for reading my post! Happy valentine's Day...


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How nice :)

I love my dog very, very much.

He was the dog that I knew my children would love and so would I, So we chose him, He's a german shepherd.

He was in the pet shop with three other german shepherd puppies but in the end we chose him,
I know you're not supposed to have favourites but he's my favourite out of all my pets :p

(Including my horse xD):478::1985::499:
I love

My children. When I was sixteen I found out I was pregnant. I was still in high school, no money, living with my mom who was single and raising me and my sister. I knew this couple who was semi-related and wanting to adopt another baby. They had gone to Russia to adopt one when she was 18 months old. I spoke with them and they were great people. They had a nursey set up in thier house with an empty crib just waiting for a baby. I spent a few minutes just looking into it. Looking at the unused car seat, and yellow and green baby clothes hanging in the closet. Thier adopted daughter happened in
"It's for my new baby!" She asked.
"Oh," I commented
"Yeah, but God hasn't found us the right one yet. but he's looking hard. Mommy told me that."
I noticed her husband in the door.
"We've been waiting for a while for another." He responded glancing around the empty room.
I happened by the kitchen and overheard her ask him if he thought I would choose them to have the baby.
"Hunny, we've done this before don't do this to yourself."
She began to sniffle a little. She was unable to carry any children.
Yet, I decided I wanted to keep my baby.
So, a few short months later I gave birth to a health baby girl. That night while in the hospital my heart went out to her. I ended up spending hours talking to a nurse. I couldn't sleep at all that night, and as the sun rose in the morning light I looked at my baby. The sun seemed to make her sparkle, so I named her Crystal. I finally mustered the courage and through my tears I called the couple.
"Would you still like my baby?" I asked the lady.
After a moment of silence she asked me if I was serious.
"Yes" was all I could muster.
She began to cry told her husband and dropped the phone. He picked it up and after speaking with him for a couple minutes. They were on the way. Signing the papers was like signing my death certificate. Walking her up the hall way was the hardest trip I've ever done. Handing her over to tearfilled loving arms was easy, and seeing them fill that once empty car seat with sleeping beauty was heartbraking. Tears, and hugs, thank yous crossed everyones mouth. Walking out into the drizzling rain empty handed was horrible. That empty room would soon be full of love, and all the hope they held out for another baby. Thier dreams had come true. But mine had been shattered. Would I ever recover? Was I wrong?
For years I doubted my choice. Until, five years later I became a mother again. Now I have my 6 year old and my three year old. I now know how hard, and time consuming raising children is. And in my heart, I know I could have done it then, but wouldn't have enjoyed nearly as much. Having gone through the tears of loss, I help dry my girls tears with more sincerity. Having given up a child, I now enjoy every moment with my children. Having missed birthdays and holidays with one, has made me cherish all those birthdays and holidays, taking endless pictures. Having missed the little moments, I cherish every little new one. They all have made me the mother I am today, and my girls now are glad thier mom got a chance to grow up. So, on Valentines day, and every other day, I love my children more and more.
I miss Crystal everyday, but I cherish Kadence and Arianna. Crystal gave me strength, when I nothing else to give.

*I do get pics and letters every christmas she is now almost 11, and loves the life, and parents she has. Her name was changed, but she still has that same glow about her.*
This year, I have much to celebrate on Valentine's Day, much more than I ever have before.

It was seven years ago when I met my husband on the internet, on a 3D chat program called Active Worlds. We both knew there was something special about each other even before we ever got to know each other, it was a strange feeling like a soft fluttering in our hearts. Trevor and I became a long-distance couple in 2004 and we grew and we learned, hoped and faltered, dreamed and loved. The odds were definitely against us, and they caused us a bad misunderstanding and a breakup in 2007. We both had about a month to really think and reflect on what we really wanted, though it was my best friend, FizzyPop here on the TP who made our awesome site banner of love, who managed to ease Trevor and I back together.

Long story short, I followed him to Canada, where I explored and grew, learning just how much my soulmate he is, and we married last month. Now we're closing in on Valentine's Day, and we have so much love to give, as we will every year from here on.
I love Mr. Bubbles:img67::img38::img67:
He is such a nerotic ball of need, but I wuves him anyways. He is cute and snuggly and always there for me no matter what.


I love my boyfriend Dyrell. He's incredibly special to me.. even just through the 9 short months we've been together, we've been through a lot. He puts of with all the stress my family has put on our relationship because he's a different nationality and most of my family is extremely racist... But he loves me enough to stick with me and he appreciates that I'm putting so much on the line to be with him. He is the absolute best thing that has ever come into my life and he is my very best friend :heart1:


Edit to add our adorable picture :]
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I love my foster parents. I they hadn't adopted me when I was 12, I don't know where I'd be. Even though I am 18 now and away at college, they still call me a lot, just like real parents do. I thank God for them every day.
What a great idea, guys, for entering the raffle! I'd love to be entered. :)

Um, I met my soulmate. :D It sounds so strange! I'm a junior in college, he's a sophomore. Theatre majors. Last year, we worked on shows together, and he says he fell for me right away, but everyone thought he was this big flirt that no one trusted... so I sort of brushed him off. But he kept feeling things for me all year, watching me backstage when I played Sarah Brown in "Guys and Dolls" and thinking of me. Summer went by, this fall came around, and we started chatting. He seemed much cooler, less of a big flirt, but I wasn't sure if I was into him or if it was just a thing... turns out I really liked him, we fit really well, and we've been dating since Halloween. Somewhere in the last few months, we've come to realize that we're such real compliments for each other... he loves me so wildly, selflessly and truly... it's really amazing. We're so young, really, but we know each other so surely, and there's no doubt in either of our minds we'll be together forever. It's just like someone turned a lightswitch on. Everything is illuminated, beautiful and real... and we are so HAPPY.

He also likes my ponies. He gives them nicknames, and he decided his favorite is Lightning the mountain boy. :p

It feels like we've been together so long... and it's only been a few months. Love, when it happens, really is the strongest, craziest thing a human being can experience.... I'm so grateful. <3
oh Amber, i can't nor will ever feel those feeling like those you had to endear. But i can feel the emotions that you put into writing, it was sad & beautiful at the same time.