Baby Cotton Candy’s U.S. Tour Update/Photo Thread!

Great to hear that Baby Cotton Candy is safely with you, tsukikakushi! And it looks like she'll be with you for your birthday next week too! :) (Happy early birthday!)

It seems that Baby Cotton Candy likes to visit people for their birthdays. :) KitKatVintage got to host Baby Cotton Candy for her birthday, and now tsukikakushi gets to host Baby Cotton Candy for her birthday!

On a different note, as an update (more as a note to participants), a couple participants recently needed to drop out of Baby Cotton Candy's tour for different reasons (both due to things in real life) so now we're down to thirteen participants. The only participant who it will effect in regards to possible scheduling would be Peppermint Truly, the last participant in the tour (the two participants prior to Peppermint Truly dropped out), so it means that Peppermint Truly will get Baby Cotton Candy about two weeks earlier than originally planned. This is just a heads up.
Everybody's pictures look so great! I have a feeling Baby Cotton Candy is going to be pretty bored when she gets to me. I will have to talk my husband into taking me places to get pics. There's really not a lot to do here. :confused: I have a while to think of something, I guess! :scratch:

I'm looking forward to more pictures from everyone!
Whew! What a week it's been! Unfortunatly I had to work most of it, but Baby CC and I managed to have fun anyway :)

First thing we did was introduce her to my herd :) She loved that there were so many ponies here to greet her and keep her company. Unfortunatly there wasn't much time to play, 'cause we had to get up early for work the next morning...


I let her drive the old hearse to work the next morning! She quickly found out it was harder than it looks, and let me take over.


And since I was driving, she decided to strike up a conversation with my trusty driving companion, the shrunken head.


Here we are, ready for a nice long hard day at work :p


There she is helping out reception. Too bad most of the clients couldn't see her, she was really good at it!


Tuesday was a surgery day, so baby CC helped get some of our supplies ready (tracheal tubes, scrub, and other fun things)


"Hey! What do these do?"
Poor CC isn't cut out for a medical degree :( She got a little woosy during surgery, so she had to sit that part of the day out.

Baby CC was here for my B-day on St. Pat's! We didn't have a big party, but we got to get fat on corned beef, and for desert...


Since Thursday was another surgery day at work, I thought it best if CC stayed home for this one. She managed to have some fun while I was gone:

She got to rock out on Will's guitar! Will doesn't like pictures, so she couldn't get him to join in with her.:blah: Men are so stubborn!


Waiting with my dog Rogue for me to come home.

CC also got to help me with a couple projects :)

'Just one more coat...'


'Now this is more like it!'


'All finished!'

And since she had so much fun helping me with Angel's bonnet, I let her put together her own:



Such a crafty baby pony! Maybe I should start asking her for advice on more projects:eek:

All in all, we had a great time together! I hope she enjoys the rest of her trip, and she's welcome back anytime :angel:
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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! It looks like she was a great helper, and had fun, too!! great pics. :allecto:
Lovely pictures everyone! I can't wait for the next set!

Great pics, tsukikakushi! You have such a cute dog. :woofpup:

Update--Baby Cotton Candy is currently on her way to Peace! :pegasus:
great pics everyone. baby cotton candy is meeting so many ponies. some new faces and some old faces for her.

sorry you had to cut her journey short. i wonder if i should offer to show her around my town. since im close to both you and peppermint truly.
sorry you had to cut her journey short. i wonder if i should offer to show her around my town. since im close to both you and peppermint truly.

Well, if you're interested, I think I can add you in as a special bonus participant at the end of the tour, which should work out especially since you live so close to me (even closer to me than Peppermint Truly!). With so many East Coast participants, we need more representation from the West Coast anyway. ;) I'll send you a PM. :)

*edit* Update--babyblueducky has been added as a bonus participant at the end of the tour! :)
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omg!! all of these pictures are ridiculously cutte :) im melting overr here!
She has arrived in Buffalo!

Poor Baby Cotton Candy, she came on the coldest day thus far in March. That mailbox was chilly.


Just removed from package!
She sat around for the first day at my drawing desk, kinda dull really. Today I introduced her to The Collection...


"Wow. Where do I begin?"


"Big ponies..."


"Bigger ponies..."


"Biggest pony!"

Where too now?


"The Boys! They're all so handsome."


She then met my Euro ponies. "Italians to the left of me, Britains to the right of me, German playset behind me!"


"The kitchen is kinda dull though." What do you want? It's my newest acquisition! I just cleaned it.


"Mine!" Ah. No. Moving on...


"More hat time! Hey, didn't you enter the bonnet contest Peace? Where's your entry?"

I, um, kinda forgot about it actually. I still have plenty of time. Sort of.


"Why do I smell cookies? And strawberries? And gum? And apples? And pina coladas?"


"Wanna race?"


"Never mind! I have a better idea..."
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I love the big, bigger and biggest ponies! I never realized how big the Styling ponies were. *wonders where she's going to store her's when she gets them*

And ah, no race! lol I love the pics!

:icon_smile_lachuh:Eeeeeeeee!!! She looks so cute with all your ponies. I love the one peeking out of the CC Cafe! :)
It was a bright and sunny friday, 76 degrees and getting warmer. I decided that it was bonnet time!


Time to drive north and Niagara Falls!


The city of Buffalo. The City of Trees. And because of that we now have beavers. Yes, real living beavers. In the city. Urban beavers! The creek right next to where I work had a bunch of trees chewed down.
"Facinating. Are we there yet?"


A park ranger took a picture of us infront of the Falls restaurant. Such a nice guy.


Welcome to Goat Island and Niagara Falls!
"So why is it called Goat Island?"
Um. I don't know. I should have asked that ranger...


The wind was also gusting by this point and Baby CC actually lost her hat and we had to go find it. So after this point she's hatless for the rest of the trip.
"Ooo! I wanna get down there!"
You can't. It's still covered with ice and for safety reasons it's locked off. Pity. You're right next to the edge of the falls, too. That ledge was closed for most of the 1900s because a huge chunk fell off and into the gorge and the area was closed to the public until recently and-"


"I don't care, I want in!"
Um. Let's not. How about we ride the elevator down to the bottom of the gorge?


"Now THIS is why I came here!"




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Cute pictures, Peace! I look forward to more pictures from the garden show. :)
And then I said, let there be updated pictures. And there were. :biggrin:
Thanks for the update, Peace! And those pictures from Niagara Falls are very pretty. :)
Terific pictures!! Little pony.... biiiig water. :) I especially like the one of her on the railing with all the mist, cascading white water, and soft-blue sky behind her.