Winter Series III


Sweet Raspberry

I found them at Target today. The purple one is called Toboggan and the pik one is called Sno-Glo and of course there is Minty too. I will try to scan the pictures but I don't know how to post them.
You can send them to me to post, if you need to. Also, whoo! More new ponies.


Edit: Here are the pics:



Winter III

Oooh!!! Sounds good to me! I like Sno-Glo. Sounds cute and curious to me! Can't wait to see pics!!!!
toboggan, what a cute name!! they're out kinda early this year, aren't they?
Nope, not yet. Well, actually we have the prototype pics running around here somewhere...
The prototype pictures look a lot better then mine. :D The only difference I think is that Sno-Glo is in a different pose.
Oh, and Silverfall I am in Soutwest Michigan. I think you are only about a 1.5 to 2 hr drive away from me.
I have to go shopping, so I might as well stop at Target juuussst in case. ;)
Is it just me, or does Sno-Glo seem to have a gradient effect on her nose?? o_O

I liked prototype-Sno-Glo better, this ruins a custom plan of mine. -_-
Spooky I think it that way because its a scanner.

I'm very disappointed, they look so blah. I'll still get them, I love the accessories.
oh, i LOOOOOOOOOVE sno-glo's color! she's PEACH! what a nice, soft, "glow"y color. ^__^<3
Hmm....seeing as how I haven't bought a pony in months, and we have to drive into the city tomorrow to pick up our new washer and dryer, perhaps a stop at Target will be in order! It should be easy to convince my hubby, as it's my birthday next week! Yay! (well, only "yay!" if I find them.) :lol:
I hope they show up in Buffalo soon so I can make a trip there to pick up 2 out of the three. I really don't need another Minty, why couldn't they make a new pony instaed of using her again.
i was actually planning on popping into target tonight, though i doubt they'd be in my area so soon. one can always hope, though!
I stopped at our Target yesterday, as a matter of fact! Mostly Halloween was out, but we had one aisle of Christmas and I strolled down that. I didn't see any new ponies of any kind...I still haven't found Sandy Island/Hula Lula in any type of quantity around here--just 2 Sandy Islands about a month ago.

This is a bit early, but I wonder if they are just trying to get as much out of the stockroom to fill up empty floor space?

What is the DPCI???
Oh my gosh!! I'm totally in love with Sno Glow!! :inlove: