Where's My Mommy? Swap - FEEDBACK LEFT! THANK YOU, ALL!

I just sent my check in! She needs hair still, but I've got a trip to the beach coming up in two days.. so I'll finish her after I get back in a week :D
Addresses have been sent to all who have checked in. I forgot to check the read receipt box on Kar's and lucky's, so it'd be awesome if you ladies could please confirm that you received addresses.

If you have checked in and have not received your partner's address, please let me know.
I will be shipping out this week sometime!
I finished today!
My mommy is finished, I'm just giving her a few days to make sure the dye isn't gonna leak through all the paint. So far just the whites of the eyes had issues and I've redone those. Barring any dye issues I should have her out by Monday at the latest! 8)
I got my mommy Flicker from lucky today! She's too sweet looking, I love her <3 I'll have to get a mommy & me portrait up when I get my camera back from Will. Thank you so much lucky, she's perfect :)
Please post pics, lucky. :) We'd all love to see your work!

So I just realized that the international ship date is the date of my sister-in-law's wedding. (Can you tell I'm excited? ...Couldn't even remember the date.)

So for those of you who will be shipping internationally (DON'T say who you are! You'll give away your partners!), don't worry if I don't get back to you until Monday. I'll be doing wedding junk all day on Friday, the wedding itself on Saturday, and after-wedding junk most of the day on Sunday. And I get to do all that again in August when my cousin gets married. *sigh*

If you have an absolute emergency that weekend that needs taken care of ASAP, please PM Kar. I've given her my cell number if it's a situation that dire.
My mommy went out today! And I forgot to say when she arrived the Mommy Aadra made for me arrived last week, on Thursday. I posted a thread in the show and tell if you guys haven't seen it yet. Thanks so much Aadra for the beauty! I loves her!

And thanks to skig for another fun swap and great idea!!

I just realized I didn't take any finished piccies of the mommy I made :doh5B15D:Oi vay.....
I forgot to say when she arrived the Mommy Aadra made for me arrived last week, on Thursday. I posted a thread in the show and tell if you guys haven't seen it yet. Thanks so much Aadra for the beauty! I loves her!

Yah! I'm so glad you like her, lev! I posted a thread on her too once I saw that she had arrived.

I can't wait to see the other Mommies! Thanks so much, skig for a great swap!
I feel like I'm behind even though we've got some time before the deadline. My replacement needles are still not here! I bought some from Walmart and the future husband is going to find something to cut them with. I'm really hopeful that my needles and hair will be in the mail this week, especially since I ordered them on June 1st.
My mommy is done and will be going out with the mail tomorrow :) Skig, I'll pm you pics and the DC code tonight.
i gotts my Mommy from Lev today! talk about speedy postal service hu? she's so cool ^^
i gotta go put her pic in my PB so i can show her here-and you need to post a thread Lev! I'll take more pics if you want some, idm


:reaper: Kat :reaper:
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She looks kinda Greek with that pink and purple hair and her orange body. Very cute!
I GOT MY MOMMY!!!! OMG! My mom just happened to come over about the time I got home (how appropriate for the mom swap, right?) and I saw my package and said, "Oh my gosh, it's from Kar!" My mom had no idea what that meant of course, but she got all excited and we both ohhhhed and awwwed over my new pony! Post pics Kar and I will go drool all over that thread!
Thank you so much! I love her and my G2 bonus surprise!!! You are awesome!
i gotts my Mommy from Lev today! talk about speedy postal service hu? she's so cool ^^
i gotta go put her pic in my PB so i can show her here-and you need to post a thread Lev! I'll take more pics if you want some, idm


:reaper: Kat :reaper:

OMG! LLB! I got my pony from Tsuki last night!! Take a look at the pic!!


Sorry about the bad pic. I took that just a moment ago. She's much more orange than the pic lets on.