The Vinny and Chloe' Chronicles Cats in Mischief Update TodAy

His poop will be Bedazzled!
Ack! Seed bead escape! I very much know how that is. I make miniature necklaces for dollhouse dolls and have had my share of seed beads--really teeny sized 15 seed beads--disappear into my chair and the carpet. Neither will ever be the same again. Lol.
Haha DH just accidentally knocked the dog in the head with his shoe. Then when he leaned down to apologize (we have a sissy) the dog began to scream and cuss him out. I was laughing so hard I thought I would die. I always wish I could get these things on video but they happen so fast. He fussed at DH for like a whole minute and then forgave him. ROFLOL funny. Everyone that comes over says my dog is so cute and funny even when he is being a total tick turkey.
By the way I am still hearing beads bouncing around. And I have a photo to share soon.
This morning I was going to try to get up early and leave town before the rain hit. Vinny woke me up at 6am sticking his paw in my mouth. Such a lovely animal. He is my alarm clock. He wakes me up at 6am now every morning. Thanks Vinny!! Sometimes he sticks his foot in my mouth. Other times he puts his snotty nose in my face. He sneezes on me, he likes to lay across my face, he slaps me, he uncovers me, and he pulls my hair. If none of that works, he climbs the blinds and crashes to the floor. Everything on the shelf by my bed crashes onto the floor and I sit up in holy terror from the noise alone. It was raining so hard this morning I did not make it out of town. My mom doesn't like me to drive in bad weather. So, I stayed home today. I got up early for nothing.
He's a smart little sneak, he knows just what to do to get you up. Have you tried pushing him off the bed every time he jumps up to wake you? It won't help with the blind-climbing and knocking stuff down, but it will help with the rest. Tanger has learned not to try pawing me awake or off he goes! Of course, then he sticks his head in the bedroom garbage to try to find something crackly to chew on. He knows I won't let him eat plastic and that sound will get me up in a hurry.
Oh yea @Star_Flare I knock him off. He has made real progress. When I first got him, he wouldn't let me sleep at all. Now he at least leaves me alone at night. We still have the morning to contend with.
Don't worry @tulagirl when he gets older, he'll calm down in a year or two. :D

I know I am counting down the days roflol. In spite of the fact he drives me crazy I really love this little guy. He is so sweet and soft. I am rather attached to him. He is funny as heck. Last night he took one of my g3 baby ponies off that stupid Butterfly Island. Then he found some catnip in a bag in the room I didn't know was there. He was chewing on that and I went up there to find out what he was doing. I find him with that bag. So, I made him another catnip sock and he ran off with that it total bliss. ROFLOL As soon as I can find a container big enough I am housing the butterfly island. There are 2 ponies they attack regularly. So, for whatever reason they really like those and ignore the rest. I am kind of done dealing with this issue with them. I am going to get a huge barking, stuffed Rottweiler and stick it up there instead. Maybe a motion activated one. That will solve my problem ROFLOL.
Yes today I caught Vinny playing with the iron cord. I had to run up there and remove the iron so he didn't kill himself. It kind of scares me to go out of town and leave my kitties. I have no idea what trouble they will get into when my DH is at work. Wish they had kitty day care facilities, but cats are not like dogs and that would be more like a "Carrie" event for Felines.
Yesterday Chloe' decided to crawl in the Market reusable grocery bags. Turkey cat. A. She is not allowed on the table and B. I am not especially happy to know cat fuzz will now be on my apples. I hesitate to complain because, she was so funny sitting in there. LOL I am a total sucker. She has me wrapped around her fuzzy tail. She controls me. :winkpony:
She says the only thing that would make it better would be a fuzzy, warm piggy she promises not to eat.
The day of mischief has already started. Dad had his radiation this morning and is coming to my house. I am trying to clean. Plus I have a friend coming tomorrow. All of this is going on and the dog has an emergency in which will require vet attention today. Vinny decides he will tear down my curtains and use them as a bed for his afternoon activity. ARGH can't they see I am losing my mind with stuff to do and places to be... People to care for and sick doggies? No nope nada no care or concern on the feline minds. To think they get a free ride too. pffft
The day of mischief has already started. Dad had his radiation this morning and is coming to my house. I am trying to clean. Plus I have a friend coming tomorrow. All of this is going on and the dog has an emergency in which will require vet attention today. Vinny decides he will tear down my curtains and use them as a bed for his afternoon activity. ARGH can't they see I am losing my mind with stuff to do and places to be... People to care for and sick doggies? No nope nada no care or concern on the feline minds. To think they get a free ride too. pffft
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Remember when he broke in with the catnip? Yeah, he chewed too much, I think. Unless he thinks life is too short to clean up.
He is still a catnip junkie. He has that catnip sock with him all day.