Shadows of Jewel (comic by me, pages 1-11)

I love the name.Very pretty. I wonder why its called that. I can't wait to see more. Not trying to make you feel rushed. Take your time.
Ok. i've decided that the pages so far are my introduction. so, i made a cover page for Chapter 1!!! It's the now grown up pony, and her name is Jewel.

ya a lot of them start off very similar or seem very similar including my own which is why I tweaked it working on it until it was different than Luna's Fizzy's or Wrangler's
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Love jewels colors. Your such a big sweetie for your nice words. Big pony hugs*
Your talents are soo incredibly amazing!:labrat:
how nice! I cant wait to read more - I'd love to make a comic, its such a fab idea!
I like it, the first page is the best, "Give us the child, (my own add) and no one will get hurt!"