Glory Figurine Arrived, my pics...



here are my pics, i dont think she's that bad really, i'll probably keep her!



Wow, she's pretty cool! :D
Looks much bigger then I thought she'd be too. How awesome! Now I need to find more shelf room lol
Her horn is very pointy.
Cute, and thanks for sharing photos so fast!
....... Her ears look like rabbit ears. Lol.

She does look pretty!! I haven't the room, money or the want for her, but I am glad that she got shipped!!
I'm not sure how I feel about her hair, but I really like her pose and her symbol... hmmmm... can't decide about that hair though!
WOW!! I love her!! I really wish we could get them here, and that I had the money for them!
mine has a scratch in it and the hair feels lousy. I'm sending mine back
Well, i must say, they aren't as bad as I thought they'd be!
Yeah, I got mine yesterday, too. I love her, but I wish her symbols weren't just holographic stickers. :roll:
Eh. The poses are nice .. but they look. .dunno.. Cheapish too.

-- The hair doesn't bother me as much as the face. :/ -- Those ears are -huge- n' the horn is ..uber sharp lookin'

Not entirely positive I like the design -- however the casting process of'em looks very clean/smooth. (Resin? )
Frisket - from what I hear, yeah, it's resin, not porcelin (resin = plastic, for people who don't know, blah)

I'm not impressed at all. When mine shows up I'm sending it back. Unless someone here wants mine, I suppose.
She's pretty, but the hair and horn... the horn is between her ears, not on her forehead as it should be!
A figurine with brushable hair? ....

She looks like she's stoned.
I guess I should check and see if mine is in transit or already at my parents house. I haven't bothered, since I'll have to pay for her now! Of course, the worst possible time with no extra money here!

I'll wait and see how I like her in person. Hopefully the next one won't be a unicorn, so the horn thing won't matter... :lol:
Not to be disrespectful or anyhting but I don't like her at all. She looks NOTHING like the pictures, and her head seems all ouotta proportion. The open mouth scares me a little too....
Thanks for posting pics!

I think I'll pull a little hair to the front over the horn on mine. The horn sits too far back making it look she's got a receeding hairline. A long forelock should help with that. Overall, not what I'd hoped but since there's a series of them, I'm keeping mine :D I love series!
I'm glad whoever likes her does. Like Karasu, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I don't care too much for her. I had the impression she would be Some sort of porcelain, not plastic, and molded hair, not brushable.

YIKES. And yes, I agree- her ears are way too big, and her horn is funny and in the wrong place.

I also agree with Frisk- she does look cheapish. (Holographic stickers? o_O;) With a design as simple as that, a clean cast is EASY to get.

Quite frankly, I'm not impresssed :/
squirtsquirt...i think the next one is supposed to be firefly....i think it was posted a while back. i know Glory is the 1st of 8 figurines in the series, but i thought it was mentioned that firefly was next....
Thank you for posting pictures! I was eager to see actual pictures of her. I didn't want to order one until I saw what she ended up looking like.

I wish she looked like the first ad that came out. I'm glad many of you are happy with her. It is cool that they are making G1 ponies.

I'm just not all that impressed, but I will wait and see who else they come out with. Who knows, maybe Firefly will be awesome...
Oh wow, well... she looks wierd. Nice but... she doesn't look as cute as in the pic =/

I guess I'll have to think about it... getting her that is. She didn't look like I thought she would. Ah well, she is still a pony so she's cute :)
Hi there,

OMG OMG OMG I *NEED* TO GET ONE! O_O And Firefly next? EEEK! *dies*

Are these things avaliable in Canada? They HAVE TO BE! Even though the Glory offer is already done... :cry: If anyone doesn't want theirs I'll take it lol. ;)

-- Yuixe