Game: True or False?

True been sick with a migrant sense yesterday and I have slept on and off all day. I just officially got up for food and meds.

The next person Has travel to at least one other state or country.
False. I'm on my old laptop.

The next person has a pony persona.

The next person collects mini MLP. (Blind bags, Ponyville, Petites)
False, I just woke up.

The next person dyes their hair regularly.
False, I have never dyed my hair before. Though I'm thinking of trying auburn or getting blue and purple streaks at some point.

The next person loves taking any restrictive clothing (shoes/bras/excess layers/pants) off as soon as they get home.
True! I love most sci fi/sci fantasy!

The next person has allergies
False! Thank god! I love my peanut butter! :winkpony:

The next person has had an exotic pet
Nope, sitting on my bum and it's dark out. Sadly.

The next person loves to dance when no one is watching
True I dance around when no one sees LOL

The next Person Has at least one song they know all the words too.
True. I memorise all kindsa weird stuff.

The next person has a bad habit, like nail biting or whatnot.
True. I've bitten my nails ever since I was little. I think I've only had long nails that weren't fake twice in my entire life.

The next person has a favourite Disney movie.
True, I have tons
Arostricats (not sure how to spell it)
All of the Lion Kings
101 &102 Dalmations (live action versions)
And more animated ones ^^

The next person loves hamburgers :p
True! I like them more than pizza

The next person likes classic cartoons.
True, true, true!

The next person hates having their picture taken.
So very true :p I only take selfies on rare occasions ^^
The next person went through an awkward 80s phase XD