Game: True or False?

False, not really... the 80s ended when I was 5.

The next person played/plays neopets.
Although I've never played the Neopets game, I did collect the card and the little McDonald's toys :D

The next person has met a celebrity ^^
True, quite a few, my daughters were in a movie when they were 4 LOL.

The next person has long hair
Kinda true, kinda false

I wear alotta wigs XD so my hair ranges from short, to long, to medium :p but my natural hair is short (about shoulder length)

The next person is a fan of rock n roll :p
True, I have an older brother ^^

The next person is still with their high school sweetheart <3
False, I went to a girls-only high school and I only met my boyfriend when I was 21.

The next person has a phobia.
True too many to list

Next person has a Christmas wish list
True. Gotta have one prepared about July with my Christmas-crazy in-laws!

The next person still has a VHS player.
Sadly false :( I wish I still have one though ._.

The next person sleeps with stuffed animals in their bed! :p (I know I do!!)
True! :lolpony:

The next person likes to watch old movies. I know I do! I love seeing the tap dance numbers!
False. They don't let in felons.

I joke, I joke... But I never have been to one.

The next person has ridden an exotic animal. Not a horse or pony, but a camel or something...
True I rode an elephant at the county fair.

The next person likes Dr. Who.
True- I've watched a few episodes and I like it.

The next person likes G1s more than G4s.fifi
Mmmm, true.

The next person has been to one of the Smithsonian museums.
Kinda true I went to the traveling one that came around here many years ago. I fell in love with the Megalodon sharks teeth. I want one of my own a tooth I mean.

The next person Has been fishing
True! When I was a kid I use to always fish when I went camping:)

The next person loves the dark.
False. My imagination likes to run wild in the dark.

The next person owed/owns all the Land Before Time movies.