Game: True or False?

False he is black lol

the next person here believes in Ghost.
True, true.

The next person here wants to gimme a hug! :ponylove:
True! *big hugs* :p

The next person loves to swim.
true, but I'm not very good at it.

The next person has a relative that lives near by.
True, I don't have many far away relatives actually lol

The next person is still in school.
True. I'm ready to make my great escape! :tongue:

The next person is a pony.
Sadly false. However I'd love to be a pony :lolpony:

The next person has carved a pumpkin this month.
False, I have never seen those type of pumpkins over here.

The next person is eating popcorn
False. I had no noms, so I went down the road to my aunt's house and stole a bag or baby carrots. Yummers!

The next person is going to stay home on Halloween.
True, its non existent over here.

The next person is about to eat rice with their dinner
True! It was a taping of a Mike Doughty concert for our state PBS station.

The next person has gotten an autograph at a convention.
False. I don't care much for autographs

The next person likes to garden
False I am death to planes sadly.

The next person has skipped school by pretending to be sick at least once.
True, though that was a while ago LOL

The next person regularly goes to bed after midnight.
False. I'm up at 5am daily, so 10pm is my latest bedtime!

The next person has at least 5 G2 ponies.
Sorta true sorta false. I don't wear eye glasses but do I have to wear a blue sensory deprivation visor.

The next person is afraid of heights.
False for the moment! I can see out to some pecans and they're still green. It'll be a bit yet before our leaves turn here.

The next person just woke up.