Game: True or False?

False. I've been up since 5am. :D

The next person has their front porch decorated with pumpkins.
False I live in an apartment with no porch.

The next person collects ponywear.
Sorry... it loaded 2 more questions after I posted... but anyways.. true! I have some gen 3 pony wear!

The next person love to read pony comic books.

the next person likes specie food.
True! But I prefer SPICYfood! lol :)
The next person lives in the USA
False! My toes love each other too much to be separated!

The next person loves role playing
True! I love crafting characters and stories.

The next person wears glasses
True. But I wear my contacts instead.

The next person has a real pony

The next person who posts this has a cat
Yes I have two

Next person has someone they love.
True! I have my loving fiance and our family of friends.

The next person plays the MLP mobile game.
False. Don't even own a cell phone. No service out here in Hillbilly Land.

The next person has a Pony Room
True. I painted it blue with sparkles to match Starglow.

The next person plays video games.
True I play old school FFVII and Soul Reaver, Blood Omen games

The next Person has either done or seen someone do the ice bucket challenge.
True my first car I back into a post at the bank.

The next person likes to dance.
False. Oh if I only could! :sadpony:

The next person is an artist