Gaia the Goddess


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
Dec 17, 2005
Here is Gaia, the custom based on fertility goddesses.... She is haired with purples and white. :) She is very simple, but I think that adds to her elegance :)


GASP :shock:

I find this...just so....exquisitely beautiful. Can't say more, I'm speechless. :oops:

*me want*
Not what I was expecting when I entered the thread. ;) I hope my suggestion doesn't offend you... but I think Venus would be a better name for her, Gaia has slightly different connotations in my opinion.

Otherwise she is beautiful and I think you did an excellent job on her!
i really like that. you did a great job!
What is Gaia? Uh it look scary to me but very nice :)
Thank you so much women!

OMG - Gaia is the earth goddess of ancient Greece.... all of the fertility icons made in prehistoric times were based on Gaia-like deities. The whole mythology of Gaia is based on her birthing the gods and the world. I think it's the most appropriate name. But thanks!
Lovely! I clicked expecting to see something in the typical green and brown tones one might associate with an earthy goddess, but she's simply smashing in purple. :)
LOL, i was expecting something based on gaiaonline. XD that's a very neat idea for a custom, though. it came out very well. :3
OMG stylised nakey woman, I am so offended!

*eye roll* who would be offended by her shes lovely!
She's great! Heh, as soon as I saw her, I totally had a flashback to art history class and studying the Venus of Willendorf.
krktheartist said:
She's great! Heh, as soon as I saw her, I totally had a flashback to art history class and studying the Venus of Willendorf.

Same here!

I think you did a great job on her symbol.
I hope no one actually PMed you saying that they were offended by this lovely pony. That's simply ridiculous.
Thanks so much women! The friend I made her for loves this sort of iconography - it's a total surprise and I expect she'll be very happy!

No one pmed me to say she was offensive, but she was pulled from the arena for being too graphic.
tealslippers said:
Thanks so much women! The friend I made her for loves this sort of iconography - it's a total surprise and I expect she'll be very happy!

No one pmed me to say she was offensive, but she was pulled from the arena for being too graphic.

Bloody hell i've seen more graphic things bathing my baby cousin which i used to help with when i was 7!
She is BEAUTIFUL. :shock: Really wonderful work with her... the hair colors are perfect, and the symbol work is brilliant. Yay!

Who was offended? *annoyed by the idea*
it is quite annoying that some people choose to find the goddess offensive. *major eyeroll*
I think it's the labia majora they find offensive. :roll: Like that's not something they see every time they look down.