Would You Rather Game?

A one piece. Made of a burlap potato sack. :D

Would you rather watch the news or cartoons?
Cartoons!!!! So much more entertaining :p

Would you rather eat fried snails or fried tarantulas? (Wow, that was random :confused:)
Having lived a gross life with a survivalist friend as a huge part of it I've eaten both. Snails. Easily snails.

Would you rather dance naked in the rain or run barefoot in the snow?
Run barefoot in the snow. It's better than being naked in the rain, at least in my opinion

Would you rather do cartwheels or somersaults?
Cartwheels- somersaults make me dizzy!

Would you rather live in Paris or New York?
I would rather live in Paris.

Would you rather have a big red skin rash on your face or no nose?
Rash. I can buy me some ointment!

Would you rather do farm chores or a desk job?
Well, in my heart if I was well the choice would be farm chores.

would you rather be on a deserted island with a fearful, antisocial nerd boy, or a bad, jail bird, biker boy?
Can I just be on the island by myself? No? I'll choose the fearful, antisocial nerd boy, then. Maybe we'll have something to nerd over together.

Would you rather have every pony ever released, or be the ruler of your own country?
Ponies. Being a ruler sounds like wayyyyy to much work.

Would you rather tame a lion or chase a tornado?
I would rather chase a tornado. Lions are beautiful but, YIKeS. LOL

Would you rather go down a steep waterfall in a row boat or a blow up float?
Personally neither I am scared of boats in water but if I had to I say the Float one. Iono softer.

Would Your rather be Mummified like a Egyptian mummy or Be buried at sea.
Mummified most definately.

Would you rather drive a hot pink car with Hello Kitty on it or an Purple car with Squidward on it?
Hello Kitty car. I'd really want one or a yellow pikachu one.

Would you rather a vegetable garden or a huge bed of flowers?
Vegetable garden.
Would you rather have 10 puppies or 10 kittens?
I can't have either, I've been spayed. BWHAHAHA! Having had herds of both I'd say puppies. Their claws are sharp, but nothig nearly as bad as a kitten!

Would you rather go without internet or the phone?
By the gods I would go mad with out the net,

would you rather haven haunted doll or a Poltergeist in your home
We already have a Poltergeist in the form of my youngest brother, so I guess I'll take the haunted doll.

Would you rather have your house invaded by spiders or mosquitoes?
Spiders. At least they most likely won't eat me alive.

Would you rather listen to a long winded story from a good friend or be all alone?
Oh the long winded story if I can have a long with it

Would you rather have a sports car or an old pick up?