Would You Rather Game?

Sports Car

Would you rather go back in time to the Renaissance or Ancient Egypt?
Hmm that's a tough. I think,uh,hmm,um, EGYPT!!

Would you rather be a Jedi or Pirate (Both in the star wars universe)
A Jedi for sure!!!

Would you rather take a cruise to the Bahamas or a Cruise to Alaska USA?
I know it sounds weird, but I would choose Alaska. I want to see the Northern Lights.

Would you rather have your toys MIB or free and liberated?
Free and Liberated

So you get teleported back to 1985: would you rather go to the toy store or the mall?
Toy store! That's where I was back then anyhoo! I might run into my younger self. I'll tell me: "Buy every Mimic you see in a few years. Also invest in Windows."

Would you rather eat sandwiches for a week or have to cook incredibly complex meals?
sandwiches...I am lazy! LOL!
Would you rather have to wake up every day before dawn to work...or work til midnight?
Work till midnight. I'm a complete night owl.

Would you rather have to spend the day with relatives you dislike while doing something you like or just spend the day alone?
Spend the day alone. I am not a person you want to hang around with if I don't like you even if we are having fun.

Would you rather visit lalaloopsy Land for a day or lazy town for a day.
Lalaloopsy Land.

Would you rather go back in time so you could experience getting a favorite toy again, or to the future so you could get an upcoming, much wanted toy first?
I would rather go back in time and get a favorite toy again.

Would you rather be able to fly but be nude or be invisible but stinky?
I rather fly and be nude go high enough people wont see you.

would you rather be on a island filled with Zombies you have to fight or a Island full of dinosaurs that all eat meat and are after you.
ummm I will go for the dinosaurs. I can't face being eaten by a human being.

Would you rather live somewhere where there is never any light, or live somewhere where there is never any darkness?
Never any light. I have bad sun issue with my eyes and all and I prefer it to be dark or just a single light on.

Would you rather be in the cartoon Total drama island or be on a real life reality show.
In the cartoon Total drama island (cartoons should never get seriously injured *nods*)

Would you rather be Spike or Discord?
thats a hard one, uh, discord. ill have so much powe- you heard nothing.NOTHING

would you rather be a hippogriff or a griffin?
Easy, a griffin! I like eagles. :)

Would you rather eat pizza or lasagna?
Pizza most definitely...lasagna is for Garfield!

If you could only make one more pony purchase, would you rather spend your life savings on a bunch of cheaper/easier to find ponies on your wishlist or get one really expensive pony like Greek Lambaditsa, a piggy or some other really hard to find nirvana?
A hard to find treasure! :)

Would you rather go to another inhabited planet to explore or go explore underwater in lost Atlantis?
Oh goodness, probably the inhabited planet. Oh please tell me Alien and Predator don't live there. No under water deep exploration I dislike sharks.

Would you rather be a Viking in "Pathfinder" or an Indian?