Valentine/Spring ATC Swaps -- Flowering trees shipping out 3/15!

whew..... i think i am done. it took me a while to come up with ideas and put them together, but i think i like what i did. i did all that i can for them. so they will be going out in the mail soon.
Whoot! I got the hard part (for me) done. :p All of my ideas are written down and the scenes I want to do are specified with what ponies will be in there. :) That's the hard part for me. Now, this weekend, I'll have the time to draw and color and construct. :bliss:

Hello all,

My computer got a worm like three days ago. I'm waiting for the restore disk to come in the mail. It should be here by mon. Jeeze. Stupid virus. Anyway, I have my cards pretty much planned. I have one completely finished. I just hope they are the right size. I got 3x5' index cards. Is that ok?
they should be 2.5x3.5 inches, like a business card
that might be okay though
Whew! It looks like a major construction site here! I've got about half my cards done, and hopefully they'll all be done by the 13th for mailing. :)
mine will be out in the mail monday afternoon.

i also scanned mine, just in case.
Thanks, BBD -- I like being prepared for catastrophes.:)

Might not be around much -- midterms this week at school, and big research papers looming. But don't be afraid to post or PM if you need me -- I usually check in at least once a day.
Question: What if my cards are off by not even a half inch? Is that cool?
I used my step sons ruler & come to find out it sucks.
When I used the ruler I had at work I relized the small difference in size.
I dont want to cut the ones I have already worked on, but if I must I will.
how bad will your cards looked if you trimmed them? would it be that noticeable that you trimmed it down to size.

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I've gotten some cards that weren't exactly 2.5x 3.5
Maybe you could trim a teensy bit on each side, rather than just one side
No, not that big at all. I will try to trim them down as much as possible over the weekend.
I figure I'm all good as long as the fit in the clear card holder. Like the ones you put your baseball cards in or your pokemon cards in, or what ever you crazy kids are into these days. :p
hockey cards! =]
that sounds like they'll be perfectly fine. I can't wait to see all these cards!
BBD has proven to be as speedy as ever, managing to get both her Valentine and flower cards in already. O_O

Let's see, we're closing in on a week to the recommended mail in date. I'll try to get some reminder PMs out this weekend for the Valentine swappers.
BBD has proven to be as speedy as ever, managing to get both her Valentine and flower cards in already. O_O

yup, that kind of happens when you're unemployed with free time on your hands. it is a bit on the sad side that i have to wait til march to get my cards. hopefully the time will go by quickly. do you like my cards? do you have a favorite?