Summer ATC Swap -- Vacation cards mailed!

im so sorry you never got yours. :cry: i even made your card with your persona. would have loved you to have gotten it.

*huggles* I bet it was awesome sweetie; yes unfortunetly I never received any cards
I'll do the summer vacation one too!
Well, DPP, maybe if we don't hear from lev soon we can drop her a PM, because I think she was interested in swapping but hasn't confirmed. If we don't get any other speedy swappers, we'll just make each other some cards. XD

Just to let everyone know, my pup made it home safely after surgery and she's doing well, but she's on almost total bedrest for the next two funnily enough, I'm going to have to do quiet, sedentary activities for a while. Not sure about the mailing yet, but she should be well enough to take a quick car trip by that point since she'll have her staples out by then. I'll let you know if anything comes up where I might have to delay a little on my end.
O_O I almost missed this! I'll sign for both! Whew... That's what I get for being addicted to zOMG.... I spend way too much time on that darn game.

WW I'd happily send ya another card from the Winter swap! I still have the sketches and could make another up in no time! I'll pm ya just in case ya don't see this here....
O_O I almost missed this! I'll sign for both! Whew... That's what I get for being addicted to zOMG.... I spend way too much time on that darn game.

WW I'd happily send ya another card from the Winter swap! I still have the sketches and could make another up in no time! I'll pm ya just in case ya don't see this here.... speak Gaia? I r Hyrulesuicune or Twilit Aquatic Melody there :3 speak Gaia? I r Hyrulesuicune or Twilit Aquatic Melody there :3

Hehehe, that I do, I'm Isbjorn and Katachino over there. I'm so badly addicted to zOMG, I'm always getting on the internet to do other stuff and inevitably I end up playing that darned mmorpg. :4932:
Got everyone up to this point. Thanks!

hmmmm..... i said i would do both, but i dont see my name on the list.

Sorry about the confusion, BBD. If you posted during the first page when I was gaging interest, I didn't take those as a commitment. I've only been adding people to the list if you replied after my post #15 in this thread. If you posted after that, I must have missed it.
I think I will try this one. I couldn't do it last summer. It conflicted with scout stuff. Please sign me up for the summer vacation one. Thanks!
Thanks, lev! I've been very remiss about posting my received ATCs. I think this time I'll try to take a group photo of all the cards in this swap before I mail them out.

With the deadline for signups approaching, I just wanted to let everyone know I'll get out PMs with my address and the number of cards to make for your swap groups either late Friday evening or Saturday so you can start working.
ok cool. i already have like a dozen or so already drawn, just need to give them a pony identity and make them pretty.
Id lke to sign up please, im not back from holiday till May 18th, but since im not working il have time.
It would be the longer one please.
Can I just check I also have a good understanding of what it is.Bascally I would designs a card with a mlp on in a summer theme and post it to a partner.Is that right?
