Pony fails?

Giving Ponies away trying to spread pony love only to find out they bunged them. I dunno. My life is one big fail. Sigh...
I understand how you feel. I have felt that way too when things didn't go as I expected during trading or making customs for others. Though I can't let bad experiences in the past get me down too much or else I wouldn't try again. We live and learn.
So far this forum has easily been my best experience. Everyone is so nice and just tries super hard to be fun and fair! This is my absolute Pony Happines Go-To Place!
@evilbunnyfoofoo, I know your pain! I did the same thing - sent a box full of ponies as a surprise gift to a friend, only to be told that she didn't want "those" kinds of ponies. She probably threw them out too! :[

Ponies as presents don't seem to work out very well, in my experience! But I've had a few friends who really appreciated them, so maybe there's still a little hope. :]
In chronological order:

Fail #1: Assuming all ponies from the show were rare and expensive, paying 15€ for a Galaxy with multiple issues thinking I had struck a bargain. Meep. She was my first ever G1, but there's always been ponies I liked more. Speaking of which,

Fail #2: Paying 21€ for a MOC Berry Bright. ...That I opened. Because it was my birthday and I wanted the experience of opening a pony I could've had as a kid. Problem #1: I learned later that early G2s didn't cost nearly as much, even MOC. Problem #2: Berry Bright isn't my favorite G2 or anything, so not worth spending that much money on (now if it was Copper Glow, on the other hand...). Problem #3: I OPENED A MOC PONY FOR THE SAKE OF A SHORT-LIVED FANTASY. *bangs head against wall* Yeah, she was overpriced and thus it would be hard to get bought by a MOC collector (who'd be much more in tune with the prices than I was), but I had already read this article on TFWiki, and I still did it. ARGH THE GUILT

Fail #3: Missing out on not one, but two of my grail ponies, MLPTales Clover and Melody, due to being out of funds because of a BJD I don't even enjoy. ...And that my mom doesn't want me to sell. Buf.

So far this forum has easily been my best experience. Everyone is so nice and just tries super hard to be fun and fair! This is my absolute Pony Happines Go-To Place!

I definitely second that sentiment, Bunbun. Even if I don't post much, so far this has been the only forum I've lasted on longer than 2 years! :satisfied:
I've yet to break the much argued rule of opening a MOC G1. If I ever do happen upon one I could actually afford without selling my darling son, I would probably just sell it and buy up a buncha baity babies. I have decided I can live without that new Pony smell and be mercenary.
my biggest pony regret has to be passing up on applejack's farm set when it was on sale at Target! only $10, i would still be pretty upset if i hadn't found it here a few years later for a good price! Also, re-rooting a pony using the needle and thread method, i had no idea what i was doing and seriously regretted it about 5 plugs in!
My biggest fails were:
1: creating a CLAY scootaloo and attaching her head with a STRAW :confused: (She became the headless horse from her dreams!)

2: in 2010 finding a ton of G3 SWEERTBERRY'S MIB with the video and only buying one, they were only three pounds each, too. :cry:

3. Almost cutting my mint condition applejack with fringe hair show accurate, don't worry I didn't :satisfied:
Missing out on a Glimmer wings Rainbow dash
Selling my G4 Diamond rose brushable and Glimmer wings to pay bills... Yeah I know I had to pay them but its still hurt.
Letting my then 1 and a half year old niece to " look "at my G4 balloon with rarity in it I still cant find the tea cups.
Losing My Kuja pony in a move but lighting made me a new one and another awesome one still wish I knew where the other one went.
Losing my G4 Flower theme ponies.
Washing my firefly plush not realizing her eyes would melt and the paint came off.
Burring a pony in the yard and planning on play treasure hunt. Never found the pony.
That one time one time only I let my sister play with my ponies and two lost there tails. I don't mean came out I mean I have no idea to this day what she did with them.
I made a small mistake again.

Painting a cute clay Bubbles, but


Forgot to make neat lines and painting her butt GREEN. UGH
when I first started to collect G1s were very common to find in thrift stores. I was at a Goodwill with my mum and sister and had managed to find about twenty loose around the store and was carrying them all by the tail (I didn't have a basket) and my mum told me I shouldn't spend all my money on them. I listened. I regret it to this day.
Oh, there are so many from me...

Some highlights (bad ones) include selling a rare MIB pony because I wanted it loose (and I still haven't found it loose), forgetting to bid on auctions that ended up at great prices, and buying 2 of the same Greek Baby because I thought I didn't have any yet.
For me, not buying the non mane 6 brushables when they were out. ; n; 2010 me, you were so foolish.
Also not picking up more ponies for cheap at bronycon last year. She had a bunch for 8 bucks, including that clock twinkle eye (why do always forget once i actually need to name that darn things) I didnt bother because i didnt want to dig through and sort through what was bait and what was just dirty.
I found a super huge lot of ponies online locally for 25 bucks (at least 30-40 g1s) and cutesaurus was in there! The next day we were going to Canada's Wonderland so I emailed and I was like I'll give you 40 for those ponies if you hold them until the day after the next day, I emailed back and they're like sorry they're gone and on that day all my dreams died. I mean I asked first just because I couldn't get to them first doesn't mean you can give them to someone else! Unless that someone else offered more money than I did :(
I found a super huge lot of ponies online locally for 25 bucks (at least 30-40 g1s) and cutesaurus was in there! The next day we were going to Canada's Wonderland so I emailed and I was like I'll give you 40 for those ponies if you hold them until the day after the next day, I emailed back and they're like sorry they're gone and on that day all my dreams died. I mean I asked first just because I couldn't get to them first doesn't mean you can give them to someone else! Unless that someone else offered more money than I did :(
Aww, I'm so sorry! Hugs
That sucks, Philly. They were probably possessed evil toys anyway, so you're safer with them going to someone else!

gold.standard, I feel ya. I didn't buy the non Mane at first, and afterwards figured I was stuck paying big bucks for them. Fortunately I found a bunch of them at a little Family Dollar store and was able to get everything I was missing. And not having a Costco membership so I could get the Midnight in Canterlot set. I needed it for Minty. Ended up paying over 20 for just her. Yikes!
I remember another that I did. ><: I took a bunch of ponies and boiled them in oxy-clean. I didn't realize to take baby surprise out of the bunch and boom all of them had the dye from her hair leak on to some of them. I think I tried making baby surprise into a custom. I can't remember what happened. Maybe I just blocked the whole ordeal from my memory. :oops::(
Dude, I don't care of Cutesaurus is possesed by the spirit of Stalin and Hitler combined if I can get her for 25 dollars as well as a bunch of other g1s I'll take her.
I could always dip her in holy water ;)