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Pony Blinkies - CLOSED - PICKUPS POST 2

:worthy:Thank you so much! I'm so sorry it gave you a hard time! What do I save it as so that it retains it's animation? (I'm on a Mac).
THANK YOU RISTVAK! I just adore, adore, ADORE her! She is 100% made of win and so are you!~Huge pony hugs~
Order Form:
1. Pony (w/ ref pic): Baby Moondancer


This picture is from Ponyland Press
2. Pose?: newborn unicorn
3. Pony should be on the _____ side: top
4. Blink Style: #5
5. Starting Color: dark pink
6. Blink Color: dark purple
7. Saying: Ponyfan

Order Form:
1. Pony (w/ ref pic): Moondancer

This picture is from Ponyland Press

2. Pose?: diva unicorn
3. Pony should be on the _____ side: both sides
4. Blink Style: #3
5. Starting Color: Red (like Moondancer's hair )
6. Blink Color: Purple (like Moondancer's hair)
7. Saying: Moondancer

Thank you for making the Bubbles one ristvak. I love your blinkies.

:worthy:Thank you so much! I'm so sorry it gave you a hard time! What do I save it as so that it retains it's animation? (I'm on a Mac).
Judgingby your signature you've figured it out, but in case anyone else was wondering- just save it as a .gif and it will keep it's animation =D
Oooooo I vote for the rearing pose I will for sure request another!
Thank you for DragonSong, ristvak! These are super cute! I might come back and order another one later.
Order Form:

1. Pony (w/ ref pic): Tap Dancer (pics are in my signature)

2. Pose?: Sitting

3. Pony should be on the _____ side: Left

4. Blink Style: #4 (rainbow)

5. Starting Color: (rainbow)

6. Blink Color: (rainbow)

7. Saying: Tap Dancer
eeeee lookit those newborns!!! those are just so cuuuuuutes! i needs one of Pym and Cori ^^^^^

1. Pony (w/ ref pic): Pym and Cori/Gypsy
2. Pose?: newborn
3. Pony should be on the _____ side: Cori on the left side, Pym on the right
4. Blink Style: 5
5. Starting Color: darker gray then you have for the sample
6. Blink Color: blue
7. Saying: Cori :heart: Pym

these are still just the most awesomnest!
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
How do you get the blinkies to work in your avie? I saved it as a .gif, and it works in my sig, but not in my avie. Is it too big or something?
Yours is probably too wide to work properly. As long as it's saved as a gif it should still blink.
Would you like me to move it around so that it's inside the size requirements?
If you've got time. No rush. And thank you!
these are really cute. am i able to make a request please?

Order Form:
1. Pony (w/ ref pic): in my siggy
2. Pose?: sitting
3. Pony should be on the _____ side: both
4. Blink Style: 3
5. Starting Color: default grey
6. Blink Color: magenta
7. Saying: Neon Crystal (with a star in between the 2 words if possible)
thank you x