MLPTP EVENT ~Hunter Profiles~ Sign Up Here!

This needs to start soon since I'm dying of I'm bored and need to take my mind off the crap that happened to me today.
awe you don't think it will start tonight do you i have to work early in the morning i have to go to bed soon .
This needs to start soon since I'm dying of I'm bored and need to take my mind off the crap that happened to me today.

Ditto...I need a project....
Shouldn't be too much longer everyone! We've just hit a little hitch but not to worry things will get sorted out soon.

In the mean time go get your hunting gear on!

Make sure you're not scrabbling for camera cables and things...someone always misplaces their camera cable every year. :laugh:
lol, i am just as anxious for this to start. can't hardly wait.:spiders_5t:
LMAO Skig.....not taking any chances are we?

But really don't you think you'll need at least two spare cables? How about three? Not to mention the prewquisite sugar based snacks to ensure maxium hunting energy....:mrgreen:
*lol* Nope, Nattie, this lady don't take no chances. She plays to win. ;)

And I do technically have two cables since my camera is a Kodak. I have the transferring/charging dock, which is what I mainly use, and the camera itself came with a USB cable for transferring, which I use when my dock isn't accessible.

Oh, and I have three or four memory cards - not that I'll need them all - and have had a brownie and a can of Pepsi. It's 1:16am, and I am not tired. I'm ready to hunt! :photo:
:hysterical: Oh Skig I could kiss you, I've had a completely lousy week but you just totally made my day.

Hang in there. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. We're all getting impatient but it's being worked on.

Oh and you did remember clean underwear right? I mean you do remember the infamous pony in a bra strap photo don't you? Who knows what devilry the Grandmaster Wolfie will come up with. :laugh:
We haven't started this yet, sorry folks! When we do, you'll be *certain*. :) Boohoohahaha!

Can't wait for this, Skig, I hope you do your spectator posts again this year, I loved reading the titles and going through all the comments!
1. No
3. More pony goodness!
4. Teeth, more of a comedy than scary.
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!


Alright! So I got paid today and I'm off to best buy to find me a new USB cable. I'll be back, and I am so in this year! :bliss:
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? Yes, a few times...especially in the old days!
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? ....too many to choose from. I love the bubble bath ones though
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? The community and love! Chatroom!
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? Hannibal
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!


1. yes, last year
2. I loved the graveyard step!
3. Chat!
4. The Lost Boys