MLPTP EVENT ~Hunter Profiles~ Sign Up Here!


Hunt Admin
Jun 8, 2005
Hunter Profiles

If you are interested in hunting, you are welcome to still sign up. We are still practicing so join us!

You must have sign up here to participate or you will NOT get points.

So you’re ready to join Wolfie’s Spooky Hunt?

As long as you’ve made an intro post within the TP…you are welcome to play!
Just cut and paste this into a reply to THIS thread and answer the questions.
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)

2009 Hunters
34 hunters
Pheonix Down
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1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? Yes, last year.
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? Costume with ponies.
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? My chat ladies!
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? Henry; Portrait of a Serial Killer
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!

Awesomeness! I was wondering when this was going to start!

1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie's Hunts before? Yes.

2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? Hmm... Don't want to give away too much... I quite enjoyed my nighttime adventures into the granite forests. ;) Oh, and I quite enjoyed getting one of my [former] co-workers to kiss a pony.

3. What's your favorite thing about the MLPTP? We have such a wealth of generous, knowledgeable members who are eager to help out and share whenever possible.

4. What's your favorite scary movie? The Ring and The Ring 2.

5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!
This is me last Halloween. I stopped by my [former] workplace to show off my costume. *lol* Not a great pic - my best friend took it with her phone.
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? Nope
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? Gotta be the great people we have here...and the contests!
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price...or 13 Ghosts
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit

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Boy do you lot have some scary photos for your hunting spirit! I'll be helping out with the Hunt this year so if any of you need anything please ask.

Oh and I've done a hunt. They're great fun! Here's some photos for your snickering pleasure:

Pictures by Natsuchan1 - Photobucket
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?
I wanted to last year, but it was already in full swing when I joined the TP so I quietly observed instead.
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
The citizens. ^_^
4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
Disney's Witcheroo! featuring Darkwing Duck and Chip 'n Dale. XD
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!

1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? A long time ago I did.
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? I remember sticking a pony in my icecream...and another with a sock on my pony's head...
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? I love the friendly atmosphere and the helpful people.
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? favourite? I really liked Silent Hill...
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!
It's me, dressed as a wild elf...before she she's a spirit...perfect for a Haunted Hunt...even getting into my hunting gear!

OK. I'm going to go for it this year!

1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?

No...I've just been observing the past few years....

2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?


3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?

The people I've connected with here.

4. What’s your favorite scary movie?

Evil Dead and Army of Darkness

5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!

I'll be helping out with the hunt as well (and I'll be participating on it just for the fun of it, no chance of getting prizes for me). If anyone needs help with anything, I'm here to help you out.

I've done one hunt many years ago and it was a blast!
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? No
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? N/A

3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? The wonderful people!
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? Evil Dead
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? Yes, several years ago. I signed up last year but wasn't really able to participate.
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? Last years one to have a man kissing a pony was great, my boyfriend would have murdered me!

3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? All the great people :)
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? House of 1000 Corpses
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? No missed it last year
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? N/A
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
Talking to all you lovely Pony Friends.
4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)


1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? Yes
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? It was last year's movie poster.
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? I'm not really sure ^^""
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? I like Session 9, House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts, many others to just pick a favorite from...since I watch those over and over again...
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
The Hills Have Eyes
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)


1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?
Yes! Last years photo hunt.. It was a blast!

2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?
I really liked the graveyard drinking (ok, so drinking wasn't really in the step..hehe) and the bearded guy kissing a pony thing was just TOO much fun to hunt for.. XD!!

3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
The friendly people, the beautiful art, the useful information..and of course, the ponies!

4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
House of 1000 Corpses, its a classic! I liked Shawn of the dead and Dawn of the dead as well :)

5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)

(From last years hunt!)
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? nope
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? NA
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? the members
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? er...the ring?
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit!


this looks to be so fufn ^^ i must try this year!

1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before?
-nope. thi'll be my first one
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus?

-first one ^^;
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP?
-sharing stories and pictures with strangers who quicly become your friends
4. What’s your favorite scary movie?
-Nightmare on Elme Street franchise, t hough they aren't that scary ^^;
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
1. Have you ever played in any of Wolfie’s Hunts before? No....
2. If so, what was your overall favorite step/bonus? N/A
3. What’s your favorite thing about the MLPTP? The information available from all the knowledgeable people out there, and everyone's friendliness :)
4. What’s your favorite scary movie? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
5. Post an image that describes your haunted hunting spirit! (Nothing too gruesome- remember this is a PG board.)

