How did you get into pony collecting?


Rusty Butt Reject
Dec 4, 2007
I think I win for Best Explanation here... it's really ridiculous, actually. My mother, with whom I have a terrible relationship, used to make me buy illegal substances for her from other high schoolers... the kids used to decapitate ponies that they got from god knows where, probably their little siblings, and stuff them with the contraband, then re-glue the heads... made transactions look like... nothing, really. Like a nutty high school girl playing My Little Pony with shady boys. Hah. :hysterical:

Eventually I had a pile of ponies, and after about 15, I decided to call it a "collection." I've stopped contact with my mother, but those dang ponies have a real hold on me. Weird stuff.

By the way, I'm completely straight edge and always have been. I don't want to be like my mother. :super:

Share your stories! I wanna hear 'em.
I had 'em as a kid. I would buy them at garage sales and things if I saw them, and then when the intarweb and ebay came around it became more of a collection, since I had easier access to 'em.

Not very exciting, LOL.
Haha, I like this message-in-a-bottle approach to ponies. I think we've discovered the perfect vessel for communication. Watch out, telephone. I've got a SS Gusty. (No... no I don't.)
I had them as a kid, then they were banished to the attic until my senior year of high school. I turned to them as something to focus on to ignore issues surrounding my brother...and well...the herd's population exploded o_O; Now that I'm away at college, things have slowed down a bit, but I do tend to pop out a custom or two when I'm at home for extended periods of time :)
I never had ponies to play with growing up... I did have the Remco fakies, which I still feel more affection for than I do "real" ponies. Man... this thread is exposing me as a very poor excuse for an MLP fan. :blah:
It's so funny that they were doing that, Becca, since my theory on Colombian ponies involves them only making them for the illegal drug trade. :icon_smile_lachuh:

Me? I stopped playing ponies in 1987-88. I got back into ponies in about 1995. I would go to the flea market hoping to find vintage Barbie then eventually Care Bears. The CB vendor had about 6 MLPs I bought them all. I found more at an antique store. I would buy one a week from there since they were like $5-6 each (high back then, especialy since I didn't even know their names). I remember thinking the TAF and clydesdales were weird so I left them behind. *stupid, stupid, me!*

I got on ebay in 2001. I started buying flutters. I always loved them and wanted to complete my set. That's were MLPTP comes into place! Thanks to this site I found info to help me complete my goal! 1 year later I had all my flutters plus other MLPs. I was hooked!
Wow, there are some pretty interesting stories here.

Well, mine is the usual, and I find it to be the usual based on my many "me too!" moments in the Intro forum!

My sisters and I played with them when we were kids, they have always been my favorite toy. Since I had a younger sister, I played with them to an embarrassing age! Anyway, when I was in high school in a really boring finance class which was held in a small computer room, I decided to search for My Little Pony and found this beautiful picture of Summer Wing Little Flitter. I didn't have a job or money at that point, and didn't search any further.

Well, when I was in college and had my own money, I finally realized I could by MLP on ebay, and did so with a swiftness that hasn't been matched by me in any other aspect of my life. Hahah!

I love ponies! But it was the playing with them as a kid that has endeared them to me.
How did I get interested in ponies? Well, it all started with the G2 computer program Friendship Gardens that I got when I was 6-7 years old. About a year later, I decided that I wanted a pony for myself. And that's when my parents got me Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy for Christmas.:biggrin:
I never really played with them as a kid. Barbies, LPS, and Polly Pocket were my favorites.

When I was moving into my apartment that I live in now over a year and a half ago, I was at Value Village looking for cheap dishes. I walked by the wall of toys and was like, "huh... My Little Ponies. Cool! :D" So I bought a few, and then proceeded to look on the internet for prices and whatnot, and that's how I found the TP.

It's all been kind of downhill since then. ;D
Never had any when I was a child...they were after my childhood. But my daughter got one when she was 3 from Santa at a Christmas party we were at. Then I was looking for more for her, I thought they were just TOOOOOO CUTE! I started buying them for both of us. Then I Googled "My Little Pony" and found the TP...and it's been all downhill after that, but in a good way. I love G1s especially the rainbows and big brothers.

I was looking on ebay for ' an orange pony with sparklys on' ( as my daughter put it) I found a sparkleworks for a great price...and then I spy a lot with G1 Bossom and G1 FF Minty hiding behind her, it made me all nostalgic blah blah. I won, for a really low price and that was it,I was hooked lol..
Haha, I think it's been a slippery slope for us all. Sometimes I get mad at myself for being so addicted. :046:
I was cleaning the attic and found my old ponies and ended up going to target for cleaning supplies and wandering through the toy aisle and finding the new G3 releases. Its funny cuz I said oh it'll be nice to have these and put up a little shelf in my closet. that shelf has now exploded into my basement and taken over:bonk:
Well, ponies were never a huge part of my childhood, but I do remember having a couple that I loved very much ... much to their demise. I'm sure my mother must've thrown them out from being so beat up and probably from being moldy (I often played with them in the tub).
One day (about a year ago) while walking around Walmart, I noticed that My Little Pony had seemed to make a comeback. I'd never seen them before then in the stores, so it was new to me. I thought, heck, getting one MLP at my age would be a lot like a guy having a couple GI Joes, or action figures, and perfectly acceptable. I figured I would buy one, for nostalgia's sake. I picked out Windy Wisp.

... then every week there after I bought one more ... and I scoured the internet for a couple vintage ones I remembered having ... and then I spotted some at the flea market that I just couldn't leave behind ...

And then I was hooked.
mine is completely boring (and sort of ********). i had ponies when i was a kid, and then in 2003 i saw some of the first 8 G3s at hot topic... but it had been so long since i'd seen my old ponies, i thought they were unreleased G1s that had been dug out of a warehouse somewhere to be retailed. i bought rainbow dash and wysteria (i think, though i was also agonizing over kimono cause of the name), came home and did some research online, and it was all downhill from there.
Well... When I was little the G2's started coming out.. My mum and I bought nearly ALL of them... But i was never really that interested in them.. (I liked the G1's soo much more :krakrani:) So when we moved mum sold all the G2s...:| And when I first saw the G3s I was totally hooked on them! :anpony: Years later mum and I discoverd the TP.. :) about 2 months of being on here I went and asked mum "They talk about G1 and G3 alot.... Who are G2's??" So mum showed me them.. I got into recollecting the G2's..

Thats how I started collecting... :)
When we were in like 7th grade, my best friend, Aadra310, was cleaning her attic, and we found her Dream Castle sitting out. As she's a year older than I am, she had different ponies than I ever did, so we played with them for a bit and I decided to find mine, and we combined them. We decided to collect them (after all, how many could there be, right?), and the rest is history.

I found the first G2's, she found the first G3's.
Well, I never owned any ponies of my own when I was younger, but my sister and I loved playing with a small collection of G1's at my grandmas house, that had gotten there when our two older female cousins didn't play with them anymore. Then, my sophomore year of high school, I went on a trip with my band to New York City (we played in Carnegie Hall! :D) While we were there, one of the girls I was rooming with and I went to Toys 'R Us, and...somehow ended up decided to both get into collecting ponies >.> I don't really remember why XD So we each bought our first pony there (Sunny Daze, ftw!) I think I'm the only one who actually stuck with the collecting though. I've since bought quite a few G3s, and my grandma even gave me the G1s from her house when she found out I collect them.
My story isn't as interesting or funny as some of the other ones on here. I had 2 of the Care Bears I had as a child that went with me to college. The rest of my toys suffered the fate of the yard sale by my Mom. So after I graduated in 2000, I started collecting Care Bears. I figured that since I had two, it would be nice to have the rest of them. I thought that there were only 15 or so (I didn't know about UK). Then I started getting the Strawberry Shortcake Dolls I had as a kid. That lead to getting all of (or trying to) them. Then I found out about Brazil SSC, and got a bunch of those. I stumbled across Rainbow Brite on ebay one night, and she was going for a good price, and that lead me to getting that set. After all of this, I was thinking it would be nice to get the MLP I had as a kid. I didn't have that many, and they would look nice with the rest of my collection. Once I got those, I started getting the ones that my sisters had too. Then it got out of control, and i couldn't stop myself! Hahahahahaha
I would say this is award winning. My childhood collection was "cleaned out" and I've been slowly restoring it - and adding some new additions along the way.