BUDDY READ: BRAVELY by Maggie Stiefvater - Starting 7/15

How is everyone’s reading coming along?
I just got to “Winter”, so, the final season of the year.
Also, I looked up Feradach because I was curious if he was a real Scottish entity.
I found this tweet with the Author’s rendering of what he looks like to Merida

does anyone feel that Ila & Brionn are significant somehow? Like watchers for Cailleich, or something?
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Im not reading the book, but I am enjoying the conversation here. I should see if my library has it, seems like everyone likes it
I will post my thoughts soon I promise, just taking care of my mom after our car accident. Itll take a while but im still reading!!
Mmmhmm, handsome LOL

I'm just now into her visit to the third place (trying to be vague). I got a little behind cause work is stupid. But I am starting to be a little sympathetic to our villain. I'm curious to see where this story goes...
I'm just getting started to the first place lol. I'm slow because I forgot how quickly reading puts me to sleep! I have been sleeping great lately. No looking at my phone before bed just reading.
I'm SOOOO behind! I'm literally reading 7 books right now, both my own choices and others for upcoming book clubs. It's safe to say I have too many books to read? Nahhh no such thing.
@Draco you should totally check your library for it!

I finished it this past weekend!
I enjoyed it and liked it more than the movie. Maybe because it seemed slightly more complex and mature. Some of the foreshadowing was done amusingly well. It would be really neat if it ever got animated (though idk that I'd trust Disney to do it well).
I actually finished this last week but been busy, busy!

Ending was a little sad but good. To be fair though, I can't imagine it would've been authentic to have a flaky, happy ever after anyway. But I quite enjoyed it overall :)
Believe it or not I have finished the book! I am so proud of myself and I really enjoyed it. It has inspired me to read more for myself. Ending kinda sounds like a sequel maybe?? Thank you all for this suggestion and getting me motivated to participate.
I havent quite finished it yet, I had to take it back to library, but I really enjoyed a lot of it! Its interesting... ive never read a book based on a movie. Normally movies are based on books and so details are left out, but this being the other way around adds more detail. Its a unique way to add to a story and weave in more to each character!
Is this still going? I would like to recommend a new book if everyone is finished :)
I finished this one and have been trying to get through my peculiar children book 3. But bring on another recommendation!!
I was thinking Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. It's YA and it's about a young witch.
Terry Pratchett is a good author! I don't think I've read that one.
It's really funny lol I love anything with his witches.