2011 Winter Holiday Custom Swap - All Received! Time to Reveal!

i'd join theirs, but they have way too many rule, too much time and you dont always get partnered with someone of the same skill as you.

I think you are missing the point of public swaps.

I do agree that there just seems to be less activity over here at the TP. That has pros and cons, though. A pro is that I feel I know more members over her. The Arena has so many people that I feel like I don't know anyone!
How the heck did I miss sign ups? Oh well, I cant wait to see the pretty customs that come from this!

It never got stickied and stayed pretty far down the page. :( I'd probably have missed it too if I hadn't been talking to skig about it beforehand.
I got my partner assignment =D I've already come up with 3 or 4 ideas @_@ Guess we'll just have to see what I can pull off.
I have a bijillion baits and SO MUCH HAIR I have unlimited options, lol!

Aadra! Come play video games while I watch so I can rehair. There's nothing on TV to occupy me!
Sounds like it's time for a movie Skeen :p I always seem to put on Hercules when I rehair XD

Crud I need to pick a bait too... but that means I'd have to make a decision on the body color *GASP* that's waaaaay too much pressure right now :p
Sounds like it's time for a movie Skeen :p I always seem to put on Hercules when I rehair XD

But, but! I've watched everything I own and the video store (where, conveniently, Aadra works) is WAY OVER THERE!!1one I mean, if Hoarders was a new episode tonight I'd be fine but it's not new til the 24th. THE 24TH. That's forever away!

Well that's the point, put in something you've seen a gagillion times as background noise that doesn't actually require your attention! Then you're not attacked with the overwhelming urge to stab the commercials but you're not constantly going "wait what? what'd I miss?!" so you can actually get something done =)
i got my partners info, now i just to come up with an idea that will work. then i will need to see what i need to get to make the custom.
I always seem to put on Hercules when I rehair XD

As in the Disney Hercules? *cough* nerd *cough* Say amen, there he goes again. Sweet and undefeated, an awesome 10 for 10. Folks line up just to watch him stretch... Ah, geez. Thanks a lot , rist.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes, Disney Hercules. It's my crack.
Think your nanny goat would go *squeak* berrrserk if we played hookie this afternoon?
It's not fair you work in a video store, Aadra, you know all the quotes from all the movies. :(
BUMP since we're nearly off the first page...
page 2?! no0o0o0o0o0o0o -bumpeth-

Has anyone made any progress on theirs? I know I haven't -shifty eyes-
I thought about it for a while, does that count?
Let's go with yes because that's about all I've accomplished as well XD