You asked for it...Star Catcher Mini


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 9, 2005
My latest Mini is Star Catcher. Its only right to make him first since he is the first Peg made! So here is my first Peg Mini.....The wings are made out of shiney material i had laying around.
I had to make him while my daughter is a school, or else she would be snitching him to!
He is up for sale....Check the auctions page for the link.....








I don't generally like the mini ponies at all (I find it's a cheap way for Hasbro to make more money...just an opinion), and to be honest I'm not big on the G3 line either, but this is just adorable!!! I love the little wings, and the detail is awesome.



Wow, hes better looking then the actual pony. I adore him. He must of taken you such a long time to do. I love how you did his wings.(eyes move slowly toward the auctions link on mlptp to look for him) :D Excellent job!
he's so cute! i adore the mini's... remind me of the petiets
Too perfect! Great googly moogly, so pretty.
I think everyone is calling Star Catcher a "him" because in some book it referred to Star Catcher as a boy, multiple times, or the whole way through!
SoSoftClaire said:
I think everyone is calling Star Catcher a "him" because in some book it referred to Star Catcher as a boy, multiple times, or the whole way through!
and as we all know, everything written in books is the truth. :roll:
I dunno what it is, but i think i like mine as a boy! I guess its preference to ya!LOL!
I saw this on eBay and was just BLOWN away by the cuteness. I think she's VERY well done. I'm sure you'll fetch a nice little price for her. So many people just LOVE Star Catcher. Such cute little wings!!! *eeek!* :lol:
STUNNING!!!!! You must have a very steady hand ;) He looks amazing!
Oh, she's (or if you prefer, he's) very cute! I have not bought one mini yet (mostly because I'm poor and now have to fix my car...), and the temptation is getting harder to fight!!!! Job well done!!!