Yey finally, Icey is here!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 18, 2005
Oh i love him so much more now he's here, he's so pretty in real life. he has his original comb and tail ribbon too!

Wow, hes GORGEOUS! You must be soo pleased with him =)

And behind him, MOC Baby Brightbow! Eeek I've been after her forever!
big congrats! :D Isn't he the coolest boy pony ever? ^__^
OMG! You are sooooo lucky...

I want an Icey so bad. I have the money (or at least pretty darn close), I just don't trust eBay anymore these days. So many scammers, you just don't know who to trust anymore.

Huge congrats! He looks so MINTY! *dies*


Yes, he is something, isn't he? You just can't help but love him! I've had mine for over a year, and I just adore him! He and Love Token (who came from the same person) live in my display case together quite happily! :lol:

Congrats on him - he certainly does look super-minty! :D

My god, he really is beautiful...i'm jealous, i want a minty one so bad! congrats to you!
Lol I hope he's not in any danger, what with Darth Tater right behind him!

LuvTruly said:
Lol I hope he's not in any danger, what with Darth Tater right behind him!


hehe! i so want stormtater now :p

OMG I wanna Piece of that Hunk LOL

Congrads!!! 8)