YAY! My MOC Alitas finally arrived!


Dictator of Lahtistania
Jun 10, 2005
The MOC Alitas my sweet husband bought me for christmas finally arrived. Mint on card Argentina varient Moon Jumper in alt pose:


So gorgeous.
Congrats! Don't you just love those ponies!? I have all four and they are definitely one of my most favorite sets in my collection!
Definately, Windy- and Summerwings have always been my asolute favourites in the whole pony collection and their variants, of course, are something I just have to get :)
congrats- i think they are some of the prettiest argies :)
Eeek - I think those links or broken or something, because when I click them I get an error 404.

But regardless - I didn't know WW and SW had variants! Wow, I guess you really do learn something new every day.

Gah, the links were broken- I had removed the pics by mistake while transferring al lthe stuff to another server. I put up another direction pic url. Than you for you, everyone :)
Those things are so pretty, but I am a fan of the normal box packaging. It's kind of neat to have variant Wingers though. They're so colourful.