Yaaaaay! Guess what I found!!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Dec 12, 2007
I've been having the WORST month ever between being a sicky and having lots of final exams, but rummaging around in my old toy bin at my grandparents house revealed a find of EPIC WIN :DDD

My favorite Teeny Tiny Baby Giggles, which I'd lost some time when I was like 7. 12 years later, we are reunited, and she's in marvelous shape. Wheeehooo!
good one hope yor feeling better soon
wow. I'm so glad you were reunited!!! and I'm glad that she helped when you were feeling down.

*big hugs*
Well that is a great thing to happen. Especially because she was yours to begin with. Awesome:biggrin:
That's awesome! A big congrats on being reunited with one of your childhood ponies. :)
Woohoo for you! I remember when I lost my only seapony and I didn't find her for a month! Than I found her under the bed!:wink:
Congratulations! I'm glad this month is finally turning around to be good to you. I know just how terribly stressful exams can be.
n3n Aww, you guys are too sweet. I should take a photo of Giggles to show yall. She's soo cute.