Would You Rather Game?

Talk to vegetables. I want to hear them beg for mercy before I drop 'em in the pot.

Would you rather have lots of money for retirement or lots of money for right this minute?
I would have to say I'd rather have money today. I need to save up for college! :winkpony:

Would you rather look like your 5 year old self or your 105 year old self for the rest of your life?
Talk to vegetables. I want to hear them beg for mercy before I drop 'em in the pot.

Would you rather have lots of money for retirement or lots of money for right this minute?

Or run them through the food processor ROFLOL.

I would rather look at my 5 year old self for the rest of my life.

Would you rather eat a cricket on a stick or a large grasshopper on a stick?
Grasshopper, definitely grasshopper. Cover that bad boy in batter and I might munch the whole grasshopper family :D

Would you rather live in Antarctic or the Sahara?
Glad to see this revived!

I'd rather live in the Sahara. After a lifetime of Texas heat, I think I'll be okay. I might have to take a sweater. :D

Would you rather watch sports or play them yourself?
Play them if I was fitter. But I'm just the right shape for pool, darts & cat wrangling

Which would you rather eat spinach or brussel sprouts (No no we hate them, they burns us precious)
Brussel Sprouts! [I kinda like them :)]

Would you rather eat carrots or broccoli? :D
5 star. I am not allow with 100 miles of a barbaque.

Open a toy or leave in the box
OPEN IT ...... I have two G3's in boxes & it's doing my head in. i know I'm meant to be a grown up with self control :rolleyes:

Would you rather be a pirate or a princess?
Shapeshift (then I can change into something that can fly)

Would you rather be a cat or a dog?
Dog just seem to have to work too hard roll over , sit ,stay, beg, etc.
A cat just lays there like I am soft pet me. Easy as that.

Well my cat any way.

Being in charge of a army or president
Army. Presidents get too much flack from the opposing political party. If you're in charge of an army, there's always someone above you to take blame/responsibility. :)

Would you rather be a movie star or movie director?
Director and then give myself a bit part in the movie.

G4 Breezie or G1 Flutter?
G1 flutter

Would you rather act in a horror film or a comedy?
Comedy. Horror scares me. :) Or a mix like Abbot and Costello did. ;)

Would you rather be in a monster movie or action/adventure movie?
Action/Adventure for sure
Would you rather be stranded without a passport in a war torn country, or stranded in an European with no money or credit cards?
Stranded hands down

Having your head shaved and dyed blue that will never come off or be painted pink that will never come off