Workin on some tinsel hairs~

You've just summed up everyone's projects.

Which pony is up next?
Posey :)

I gotta get some zip ties though lol - I’ll pick those up tomorrow!
I snagged a bundle from work. I'm the only one who uses the small ones anyways.

Random material for you to look up: OTC mirage tinsel. It's used for making flies and other lures. It comes in several of colors.

I was trying to find a particular and found that.
I snagged a bundle from work. I'm the only one who uses the small ones anyways.

Random material for you to look up: OTC mirage tinsel. It's used for making flies and other lures. It comes in several of colors.

I was trying to find a particular and found that.
I have used lure tinsel before ;) I went through a whole experimental phase when I first started lol
Ok, the small looks doable. The colors are neat for the glow tinsel, especially that green and pink.
Photo dump of past ponies I’ve done, I’m missing at least one pic the Sundance you can kinda see

The yellow applejack is my very first ever tinsel pony, very first pony I ever rehaired, it’s Christmas tinsel lol - I still have her and love her

The little baby with the pink/yellow squiggle hair lives with me

@BethMcBeth owns the other aj now

@Luvmlp owns the sugarberry

Everybody else lives in loving homes

The yellow aj, sugarberry, and glory have actual Christmas tinsel, don’t get them wet, they stain!

The banana surprise lives with me

The last three were my experiment with garland were my experiment as a puff pony, but don’t use this ever! It stains the ponies!!

Glory's tinsel colors are magnificent!

What is the multicolor material in the babies? The texture looks interesting.

And your Banana Surprise gave me some ideas for winter/Christmas pictures. Less messy "snow" for the estate. :smile:

Editing to add: My childhood Surprise needs new hair and a lot of restoration. I wasn't sure what I was going to do but you've inspired me. Chartreuse and purple tinsel!
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Omg that Tic Tac Toe :hearteyes:
Omg that Tic Tac Toe :hearteyes:
A little girl actually got her, she was probably 7-9 years old, maybe 10?, and it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen

We were at a small pony meet and she asked her mama to buy it and she got it, I seen her talking to it while she was doing coloring pages and just generally anything she was doing, she included her pony

Then when we took a group picture, she had her little pony propped up on her shoulder with a big ol smile, it made my heart melt so much seeing how much that little girl loved her pony
Today will be posey and whatever the blue flutter with the pink flowers name is :)
Sadly no photos tonight, my needle broke and I don’t have anymore. I have to venture out tomorrow and get some!
Oooh how cute a tinsel-haired Minty would be!
Adding tinsel hair to my custom minty wish list!
I should pull out that AJ you made me lol…. :applejack: :orangeheart: :p
Would be nice to see her again ❤️

Oooh how cute a tinsel-haired Minty would be!
Adding tinsel hair to my custom minty wish list!
You know where to come if you ever need one ;) I’m pretty cheap! Message me for details
A little girl actually got her, she was probably 7-9 years old, maybe 10?, and it was the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen

We were at a small pony meet and she asked her mama to buy it and she got it, I seen her talking to it while she was doing coloring pages and just generally anything she was doing, she included her pony

Then when we took a group picture, she had her little pony propped up on her shoulder with a big ol smile, it made my heart melt so much seeing how much that little girl loved her pony
Ticky was like, my bestest friend when I was that age. He is the only pony I remember removing from its box. <3
Havnt got a good picture yet, but I have a pony that was suppose to go up for sale, but she’s staying home with me lol

No one else can stay, I just loved her so much I couldn’t part with her
Looking good! And I'm looking forward to what's next.

I swore I saw your Posey the other day but not Peach Blossom. Probably just my memory slipping..

Oh, and I ended up buying more tinsel because of you.