WIP: G3 Discord



I've got several ponies in progress at all times, it seems. Right now, I've got a pair of superheroes who are waiting for a hair shipment, a gryphon who needs wings and claws, and a carousel pony I'm considering doing sculpted hair but haven't had the proper inspiration for yet.

With so many ponies in various states, why would I ever think of starting up another?

Because it's Discord, of course! And because I plan to document his construction from start to finish. Ready? Let's go!

I started with a G3 Rainbow Dash whose ears had been nearly chewed off. Weeks ago, I cut off the ears and sealed the holes with Apoxie. I didn't have a clear plan for what she would become - I was thinking dragon - but I put her aside until just last night.


When I was struck by inspiration, I took Dashie and cut her in half. Ouch! But it's for a good cause, I promise. Discord needs a long, slinky body.

I filled him up with a thick coil of air dry clay, giving him a nice curve. A paint bottle was used to support the underbelly while it dried, although I took care to make sure he was balanced and could stand on his own four feet.


Here he is with a layer of Apoxie over the dried clay. (the clay is less expensive than the Apoxie so it makes good filler) I've also given him some ears and the cloven hoof of his goat leg.


Next, I'll be adding more Apoxie to the belly to smooth out the lumps and blend it more naturally into the plastic, working on his lion paw, and shaping and attaching the tail. Stay tuned!


Part 2 -- 1001 Uses for a Headless Pony
I've seen so many beautiful wings on custom ponies. But Discord doesn't need epic sweeping wings. No wing envy here, ponies and bronies. Discord is just fine with his little mismatched wings.

So, to mold my wings, I needed something small and curved. I thought about hunting down my foam stress ball but I was feeling lazy. You know what else is small and curved?



While those were setting up, I was free to go back to giving the Lord of Chaos a bit more personality.


If I'm working on his head, I might as well go onto his horns, right? That brings us to another use for a headless pony - propping things up!



You can also see that I've started detailing his feet. Goat leg has received a layer of "hair" above the hoof, Eagle claw has wrinkled toes and Dragon foot has it's first layers of scales. Not seen is Lion paw, hiding behind Eagle claw. He's a little shy... a cowardly lion, perhaps?


Part 3 -- Shake your tail feathers!

We're nearing the end of the sculpting portion of our little journey.

Here, I've finished the legs. Eagle Claw has wrinkled texture up the leg and Dragon foot has scales all the way to the hip. I've also added a break between the head and the rest of the body. And the tail wire has been shaped, inserted, and secured.


To save on more expensive supplies, the tail was given a filling of air dry clay before being coated in Apoxie. The wings are also attached at this point. I placed them with a few drops of superglue then used Apoxie to blend them into the body.

If you're wondering why I've jumped the gun here and started painting? It helps me to locate rough areas that need to be sanded. Some areas will be smoothed out by the layers of paint, but others require sandpaper. It may sound painful but Discord really appreciates the extreme exfoliation! His skin is so silky smooth afterwards.


Tail spines! Each spine was shaped and allowed to dry before getting a brisk sanding along the bottom edge and the superglue treatment. Superglue is only a temporary solution, to hold the spines in place while a coil of Apoxie is used to make them a permanent part of the tail.


Facial hair, a short mane, and a little plastic surgery to his nose to fill in some teeth marks, makes Discord a handsome boy.




Ladies and gentlemen, ponies and bronies, fillies and foals of all ages! I am proud to present to you the Duke of Disharmony, the Bard of Bedlam, the guy who puts the "demon" in Pandemonium....





Thanks everyone for coming along on this little creative journey. I hope everyone has had nearly as much fun as I have. Your comments brought a smile to my face and I think that's reflected in the sculpting and painting of Discord.

Maybe we'll do this again sometime. I'm always up for suggestions of what my next project should be. Until then, <3 <3 <3
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Thanks, Candy! I hope you'll love him as much as I do.

I've updated the original post with Part 2: 1001 Uses for a Headless Pony.
WOW, I can already tell he's going to be EPIC! So many details are already perfect! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Soo great can't wait to see how he turn out I really love the detail you are taking into this.
Updated to part 3 and the sculpting is finished.
He's getting closer to his full Discordian glory! We're just a million coats of paint away - or at least, that's what it will feel like to me. LOL
ooooh.... discord... I'd have never thought to make him from a pony!
Thanks everyone for the kind comments. I've really appreciated the cheerleading. <3 The final pictures are up.
oh man i been wantin for you to finish and you done did! it looks so awesome!! done a great job!!
That has GOT to be one of the most awesomest customs I have ever seen, I really admire your handiwork! Huge congrats on the final product! Long live Discord and his ridiculously high entertainment value! :biggrin:
Thanks, everyone! :blush:
This has easily been one of the most enjoyable pieces I've ever worked on and seeing your reactions is certainly rewarding. :D