MLPTP EVENT Win a Prize My Little Pony Accessory Contest We have a WINNER

Hmm. Ima guess 98 and go feed the horses. I see them at the gate yelling, "We see you in there, woman!"

I need some drapes.

Okay folks we have a winner and why does this not surprise me. I have always heard that insomnia creates a genius. Well, there you go. @evilbunnyfoofoo when you said 97 I had a heart attack. I was like, "man she almost has it, oh she is gonna guess this one." Sure enough here you are meeting my high expectations ROFLOL.

The correct number of accessories in the box was 98!! I was even surprised myself I didn't have 100 or more in there. I can barely close the box as it is. Congrats to bunbun!

Thank you all for playing in my contest. I am certain I will do another one soon as I love spreading pony goodness.
way to go foofoo! woohoo!
Congrats Bunbun!
Here I was wishing I'd said '81' because it reduces down to 9 and 9 is 3x3 and 3 is my favourite prime number. '98' just goes to 17 to 8 and I'm not as fond of composite numbers.

Thank you, tulagirl! That was super fun!
What are you some kind of Nerd.

Naaaaa she is a super genius. Better watch out she may even have eyes behind her head and will catch you in various shenanigans you think she doesn't know about....believe it or not numbers are a wonderful thing. In fact this whole world is based on numbers in some way. Numbers numbers everywhere. Since our bodies are made of numbers of things with numbers and percentages I guess that makes us all nerds. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I happen to love the number 3 Bun Bun!!! whooo hoooo for three.