G1 Why is Mimic so sought after?

She seems to be harder to find than other ponies from the same set. It also has to do with her being so different color wise from other ponies.

I have also heard a theory in the past of how she may not have sold as well when she first came out since her colors didn't appeal to girls as much so maybe that is why there seem to be fewer of her floating around.
Didn't she have a smaller number of her shipped than the other TE Ponies in her wave? I seem to remember reading somewhere that there were fewer of her than the others.
Mimic got same shipping rates as other TE ponies.
I guess that she is just very wanted pony. Her color is totally different from other ponies and she got her own series that made her more known and loved pony. Everybody wants it. And when there is high demand the prices are higher. It is same case with Red Roses. She looks so pretty, everybody wants it and are ready to pay more to get her.
It is because the hype ;).
I had read somewhere (online but I can't remember the website) that she wasn't produced as much-she was on a trial basis because of her color scheme, Hasbro wanted to see how she would sell before producing more. She didn't sell well so they pulled her. Then someone who had wanted Mimic found her for sale on eBay, ran the bid up over $300. If one person can get $300, then of course others are going to try for that much, which they have been getting also. Others find out she is not as common, and so they are willing to "invest".

However it sounds like h1m3 has more accurate information-

I don't know how she can be rare-you can always find a Mimic for sale somewhere-ebay, trading shops, other pony websites. I can't imagine they are only the same few ponies being sold over and over again.

I personally really like Mimic's color scheme and would have loved to have gotten her when I was a kid.
I agree with h1m3, I think it's hype. Everyone just wants her because everyone else wants her! It's like if the kid down the street gets a remote controlled car every kid on the block becomes obsessed with owning one.

Me, I'm torn. I actually remember passing her up for Gingerbread. I have no regrets. My Gingerbread is wayyyy prettier. One day, I might find one and that will be delightful! If not, no tears will be shed. I'm not a completist really.
I, personally, would gleefully pounce on Mimic if I ran into her at an antique store of flea market, but there's no way I'd pay what some people sell her for.

Oh heck yeah! I find her cheap I'm buying her up. Then I'll swap her for an armload of other Ponies! Bwahaha!

Of course if I find ANY Pony cheap I buy them up... lol. I'm a Pony Ho.

That information about Mimic "For unknown reasons, her production run was rather small, and she has become a rare" is false. I just read same kind of conversation as this in Arena and there was pretty good source to say that Mimic was produced as much as other TE ponies. :p
Oh heck yeah! I find her cheap I'm buying her up. Then I'll swap her for an armload of other Ponies! Bwahaha!

Of course if I find ANY Pony cheap I buy them up... lol. I'm a Pony Ho.

Heh heh, aren't we all?

That information about Mimic "For unknown reasons, her production run was rather small, and she has become a rare" is false. I just read same kind of conversation as this in Arena and there was pretty good source to say that Mimic was produced as much as other TE ponies. :p

I wonder, then, how that rumor got started. Just another attempt to artificially inflate her value?
That information about Mimic "For unknown reasons, her production run was rather small, and she has become a rare" is false. I just read same kind of conversation as this in Arena and there was pretty good source to say that Mimic was produced as much as other TE ponies. :p
Then someone should make a Pony Dictionary or something to start researching :S
I wonder, then, how that rumor got started. Just another attempt to artificially inflate her value?

That could be true. Or someone just assumed that because Mimic is so expensive so it "must be" rare.

While looking Arenas post about this matter it seems that not too long ago (can't figure the right "year" or "years ago") Mimic wasn't that expensive at all...
Mimic may well go out of fashion as the "Must Have Pony" eventually and drop in price. Then some other Pony can be the belle of the ball and get da big bucks!
Mimic may well go out of fashion as the "Must Have Pony" eventually and drop in price. Then some other Pony can be the belle of the ball and get da big bucks!
Example: If someone makes a custom Baby Mimic and claims its ultra rare, then everyone will want her. People can be so gullible at times
Example: If someone makes a custom Baby Mimic and claims its ultra rare, then everyone will want her. People can be so gullible at times

Yep that kind of thing happens pretty often in eBay. Some ordinary pony gets HTF and big price tag.I just hope people will make good research before buying cos it is sad to hear afterwards that you paid too much :/
Mimic may well go out of fashion as the "Must Have Pony" eventually and drop in price. Then some other Pony can be the belle of the ball and get da big bucks!

I have a theory about that. People get a bug up their ..!.. about a certain pony. They must have it! They buy it. They show her off and everyone (well, many) go(es), "oooooooh she's prettier than I thought", or is reminded that said pony is also on their wishlist, and suddenly everyone is after said pony. Then, once everyone who decided she's "prettier than I thought, I want her too" has obtained their grail du jour, the price drops, because, well, everyone who wanted her, now has her, and what is left are people who are looking to buy her only if they can find her cheap (which in Mimic's case might be reasonably considered to be anything under $50, I guess, for a decent condotion pony?). (gaaaaaaaaaasp for breath after run-on sentence :D ) But that's just my theory. :p

I paid more for mine than I usually like to pay for a pony, but it was a fair price for a Mimic (she's not pristine, but she's MINE! :ponylove:and I love the green and the macaw/parrot/whatisthatbirdanyway!)