Why are they called baits?

Phoenix Down

Pom Pom Pony
Oct 31, 2007
This has been on my mind for a couple days... why are the grungy, cut hair, marked up MLP's called baits? does any know? is it just something someone started and now everyone says it?

(I apologize if this is in the wrong spot... wasn't sure where to put it...)

~Phoenix Down
Opens book called: "Stories I heard once"

Once upon a time, a customizer, I don't know who, called them custom baits. As in, their condition baited customizers into wanting to make them into customs. The name stuck and everybody ate candy and the dentists lived happily ever after. End.

That's what I heard anyway. I don't know this first hand. :p
My husband asked me the same thing when I called them that. I don't know the answer and wondered myself. All that comes to my mind is fishing, worms, baits? I wonder is one person used that term and it stuck. Who was that originator? :bonk:

Wow, my mind was read by Cardinal Melody, whee!
Because sometimes the problems with the pony can't be fixed, such as:
ink marks
bite marks
chunks missing
deep cuts
symbols rubbed off
hair cut (or gone!)
Many baits can be customed, some can not. If there are missing body parts, you may be able to fix them with clay.
Maybe they garnered that name because they're, um, ponies that are so manky, if you love them you belong in JAIL, so that makes them JAILBAIT, and if you shorten that, there you go.
I also wondered where the term "bait" came from. I always assume that the term started as a way to challenge people into restoring or customize them. That someone was baiting you to fix them up and take them off the sellers hands. :)
I've wondered this too. I've noticed that the term is used a lot of places though, not just in the pony community. I've seen many customizable items referred to as bait when they're in bad shape. So I guess to solve this mystery, we have to figure out where the term originated from in the first place!

Oh, well for a while I dealt in my child dolls, but they got to be to costly. Anyway, the idea of bait comes from being like feed bait. Or to bait an animal to catch it. They use bait to lure in something.
How does this translate? People use "baits", ponies,dolls etc. and customize them, and LURE people into wanting these new items, hence LURING them in to the buy. SO, baits, are justly named to lure customsers. Which saves the item from death and gives it new life, or is pieced out for parts. Regarless of the use baits are used because they are cheaper than new ones, or good quality ones. Renewed and resold, often hooking, no pun intended, new customers. I think I'm ranting. I'm not sure who started calling them baits though, it's been used for many years though.
Opens book called: "Stories I heard once"

Once upon a time, a customizer, I don't know who, called them custom baits. As in, their condition baited customizers into wanting to make them into customs. The name stuck and everybody ate candy and the dentists lived happily ever after. End.

That's what I heard anyway. I don't know this first hand. :p

Yep, it's one of those ancient stories of Ponyland...I heard they were calling them baits in the days of newsgroups, so it's 10 plus years old now. It's just one of those things we like to taunt the newbies with our specialized lingo. ;)
I was wondering too about the "baits" thing. The term didn't seem to make sense to me.:319:
Well, I've always thought of it like this: "bait" is what you use to get something, and usually bait is something leftover (like pieces of fish, worms, chunks of meat in traps, etc). Pony "baits" are leftovers that are used to "get" or make a new pony.

That's my logic. ;)

Maybe because the only thing they're good for is to go sleep with the fishes? Ok, so I need more sleep at the moment. :krakrani:
Maybe because the only thing they're good for is to go sleep with the fishes? Ok, so I need more sleep at the moment. :krakrani:

Haha, that must be it, being that ponies are notorious for their affiliations with the mafia. XD

Ahehehe, that just made my day. :funnythumb:
Actually, I know where the origin of the term 'custom bait' came from.

An early well known resident of the MLP online community Ice Feather was one of the first customizers who did comissions and sold on eBay. She was also one of the first who activly went after foreign ponies, specifically Italians. All of her nasty, cruddy ponies went into a 5 gallon pail in her basement to be later customized. The pail was once used as a bucket to hold fishing bait. She even had a picture of it on her website.

Ponies to be customized in a bait pail: Custom Bait.

She used it and it stuck.