Who's coming to dinner? Thanksgiving game


Festive FelizNavidad Pony
MLPTP Supporter
Jan 3, 2006
The ponies are getting together for their Thanksgiving dinner, so who's bringing what?
Here is how the game goes, I'm going to start with a pony bringing something for the Thanksgiving feast. The last letter of the food item needs to be the first letter of the next pony's name.
Lets see how long we can keep this going and lets try not to have any repeats on foods or ponies. We'd hate to have 10 ponies bring the green bean casserole for dinner!

Here we go...

Gingerbread is bringing the turkey...
Yours Truly is bringing the Pumpkin Pie!

I think she was the valentines pony, someone correct me LOL!
I do not know any traditional thanks giving food (except turkey ;)) but I think that every holiday meal the chocolate is a must! So:

Salty is bringing chocolate :3
Drummer brings dumplings.
Pinkie Pie is bringing a three tier, triple chocolate chocolate chocolate cake with icing, sprinkles, cherries and whipped cream!

Then she gonna eat it.
Kiwi Tart is bringing kiwi tart!

Does this make her a cannibal?

(I looked at the wrong thing and gave the wrong letter answer, but it was funny,so I'm leaving it. LOL. I've not slept in DAYS! WHEEE!)
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