White Windy Rarity?

  • Thread starter babygoldenautumn
  • Start date


Can anyone tell me just how rare white Whindy is? I've been offered one and I don't know what's a fair offer for her. Also, what's her country of origin? Is she a Euro?
Hi there,

I couldn't really tell you. No one really knows if White Windy is real or just a myth... :(

-- Yuixe
I'm searching for White Windy (grail ^_^) though I've been told her price can yo-yo from $45 to $100, she is a real version of windy.
I always thought she was a euro/uk variant, I know there's a french blue windy and italian windy in moondancers pose with no glitter...otherwise that's about the limit of my knowledge.
Yes, the white Windy IS real, and as far as hoof markings, shes the same as regular US Windy. The way you can tell a faded one from the real thing is that the real White Winy has a blue glittery symbol. A few people here have both and could post comparison pics
Yes, she is real...and super rare to get your hands on. I would value her at $100 at LEAST!! Maybe more around $150, but maybe that's just me. :oops:

If you go to the auction board, I have one for sale on eBay with comparison pics. =)
really? @_x she's that rare? She was my older sister's first pony (mine now ^_~). She's kind of "grey" now but was definately white once. Too bad my sister liked to play beauty parlor and gave the poor dear a mohawk :( I don't dare try to reroot her myself seeing as I'm new at it and wouldn't do a decent job, especially with her rainbow-colored mane. Anywhere I could pay to get a nice rerooting job done on her? I was thinking about it before, but since she's supposedly rare now I'm kind of nervous sending her to just anyone.. but since everyone here is a pony collecter maybe I shouldn't be worried :D
I'm sure you can find someone who'd do it, I wouldn't dare because she's so rare! ^_^ but white windy in any state is a grail to me