What's the Best?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Dec 5, 2010
I plan to purchase a program for the computer to draw some art. Which one is the Best and which are the Worst?

Haha got beaten to it - Yes, I agre with ShinePaw, Paint Tool SAI is the absolute winner in my eyes. I've tried numerous programs over the years and this one I'd recommend highest for beginning digital artist who do it for the love of art!

I've tried programs like Photoshop to do paintings in, and they never compared. Photoshop is CPU heavy (takes up so much processing power and is very likely to crash if you're on a regular home computer). Its features as well I think better suit for what it name suggests... Photo editing D: I don't get why people still paint with this program.

Paint Tool SAI wins in the following factors:

  • easy to use!
  • Sooooo affordable! (Photoshop = $300+, Paint Tool SAI = $60?? I forgot the price it's been a darn long time but it may actually be less than that..)
  • Low CPU/Memory usage
  • more realistic brushes than Photoshop (if you're into painting)
  • Comes with Graphics Tablet modifiers (ie how slow the strokes move.. helps for neat lineart)
  • A special "lineart" tool that NO other program besides maybe Illustrator has that works so well at making beautiful, clean, cartoony line art.
Photoshop only wins in the fact it has 4789458039484 different features and tools and bits and bobs that can do stuff to your pictures XD Hence how confusing it gets and how lots of people take forever to learn it all.

Other than that, if you LIKE lots of bits and bobs, get Photoshop's lovely FREE equivalent, GIMP.
I have to agree. From what I've heard, Paint Tool SAI is one of the best to use, and it is not that difficult to learn either.