What's on your mind?

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We had a sudden death in the family a cousin mom passed Monday from cancer. Very sad I've been too sick to get out of bed but everything set for Thursday and Friday for the funural and viewing.
We had a sudden death in the family a cousin mom passed Monday from cancer. Very sad I've been too sick to get out of bed but everything set for Thursday and Friday for the funural and viewing.
*hugs* I'm sorry
Every wake up and depression just hits you. I just fell down down today. A lots happen in the last few days and I am just tired stressed and depressed.

Gods I got to get out of the house or something.
I Just got word my Great Aunt is close to passing away.
My great aunt passed at 11am this morning sad day.
I am sorry Ology. That indeed is very sad news.

Post office was completely useless this morning. I go in with my box and walaaa they have no computers, can't do anything. I go home with my box and will do postage on the internet. Useless building most of the time. I am not sure why I even visit at all except my po box is there.
My mind-

"Man my legs and back are sore.
Too sore to even sit down and paint Bowie Black Star custom. But I'll try in a while anyways.

....this isn't a exercised kind of soreness, this a sick off soreness like when I had kidney and bladder infections

Time to drink more water while browsing internet

I want cow pajamas."

There you go, my mind
We've got a sun shower and a big rainbow. Too bad it's so cold and windy, otherwise I'd go find the End. I bet there is a pot o skittles.
I think my dog is becoming Paranoid!
My youngest sister came today with her husband and two daughters as well as another sister's daughter. Having the three girls here really helped my spirits. They're so happy and love every animal they see, running from pen to pen squealing in delight. They wanted to see Princess Sparkle Arkle so bad, knowing she was hurt. I was wary because Sparkle is at a fragile point, but I thought if nothing else, they should be allowed to see her to say goodbye if it comes to that. The pony seemed to love seeing the kids, and she really perked up and ate up her dinner with more gusto than I've seen in weeks. She is struggling with an ulcerated wound and the leg splint had to be removed and I'm very scared that in the end she won't make it, but right now we just go day to day. She wants to live and I am desperate to save her. It's all up to her now.
I hope Sparkle keeps up the fight. If only I could bottle up some of Lofty's crude loutish good equine health & ship it to Princess Sparkle
I hope sparkle stays with you as long as she can.:ponylove:

:surprisepony::surprisepony::surprisepony::surprisepony:Today my mind was blown. I was at McDonalds to see if they had the new mlp toys. I ask the lady and she said they only had books for V-day. I thank her and said I collect the toys. She looked at me and said I have never heard of My Little Pony before. I said your kidding she said no. MIND BLOWN!!!!!:shock::shock::shock::shock::unsure::unsure::unsure::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
My parents confuses me so much! It makes my head hurt.
I had a pleasant and productive day.

Did not feel very talkative for small talk, but I also felt feisty, smiting in response to people that wronged me.

So pleasant, yet smiteful day.

I call it my "Cersei Lannister mood".

Hell hath no wrath~
I've known for a while that tarantulas are illegal to keep in my region (cricket guy told me this, I had already had a tarantula for like 4 years at the time and I had no idea because several stores sell them) he says the law prohibits the possession of any venomous spider (which is to say, all spiders because all spiders have venom to varying degrees of potency) but the I read the specfic law and it refers to animals that can cause harm to humans, tarantulas ars not dangerous to humans as their venom isn't strong enough. Anyway according to cricket guy even if an animal control officer comes into your house and sees your tarantula they won't do anything and his store and another store in town sell them freely so it doesn't seem like a very widely enforced law. I suppose the only time they'd be concerned is if you had a collection of dozens of taranutlas. Oddly enough, no laws against scorpions despite some species of scorpion being quite venomous. Also I've learned that there's a country wide ban on the sale and possession of most roaches (no dubia roaches for feeding to reptiles) butterflies (fairly sensible) and mantids (this enrages me because I want a pet mantid very badly and I'll have to settle for a native species) I think in specfic places many exotic arthropods are banned as well because I guy I know had to give up his pet African Land Snails.
Anyway, I don't like Canada's general policy on exotic athropods, I want my weird bugs and I want them now.
Also I'm a harded criminal because I have a pet spider
Lost my Voice due to a upper respiratory infection. Fun birthday weekend lol.
At the doctor's office. Kiddo has the flu poor thing. It's a bit busy today.
I'm introducing my boyfriend to Jem and the Holograms, I was talking about all the crazy and he was intrigued enough to borrow it. I wonder what he'll think of it? In return he's introducing us to a cartoon called Exo-Squad.
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I got really good deal on a big Lego set I bought yesterday, list time I saw it at Wall Mart it was 100 dollars and I managed to get it for 30. It is one of the really big sets its a rocket and a space shuttle with some other stuff.
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