What's on your mind?

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:surprisepony:I hate getting song stuck in my head let alone two. My inner music player has decide to play the theme to silver hawks and Dinosaucers today. Sigh!:blink:
Had a scare today around 11am I started feeling bad. I figured it was a headache. Too pain med, got a cold pack and laid down. I had a pain start on my right side where the liver is and it went to my back. When my mom got home she wanted me to go to hospital but I just wanted to wait. I have had this before. She gave me medication I take for my stomach. When I got up to get to the bathroom I passed out for a min. Luckily no harm done. I took my headache meds gas X and another dose of stomach meds.
I am happy report other then my head I am feeling better. Still scared me bad.
Omgs!! @Ology You should have gone to the emergency room. :( feel better and be careful
Omgs!! @Ology You should have gone to the emergency room. :( feel better and be careful
I would have but this has happen so often they just give me a shot and some pain killers and about a 6 hour stay in a cold room. So I am used to it. They give me the same stomach stuff too and headache its just a stronger dose.
My vein are very very small so getting a IV in me is very hard and that is how I have to take most of the meds. I throw them up if I took a oral one. Though I have to drink this horrible water strawberry stuff that they uses in the MRI thing.
My regular doctor thinks it might be something I am eating but I have had this stuff happen sense I was well born. Passing out and black out sadly are common for me too.
Don't worry I am feeling much better if a little sleepy from the Phenergan for nausea I take.
I need to move into a medicine cupboard with a on staff nurse and doctor lol.
My wretched relatives have left! Finally! No more screechig bratty kids, no more cowering and seething in my room, no more worries about theft, or being beat up, or listening to them fight. Thank the Gods they went back home! The house feels much more peaceful. I'm happy. :D
My cousin and his wife were final able to adopt there foster son today. His wife Might be unable to have her own but the little boy got a loving home.
Great news about the adoption. I am always happy to know a child has a loving home.

I am just sick of what has been going on with my health lately. I have been really sick and in horrible pain for days. Boooo hiiiissssss go away you nasty monster! It has made me really crabby and to be honest I have not really done much of anything lately other than go through things in the house to clear clutter trying to keep my mind off of it. Its kind of hard to ignore pain though. Some pain you can but this pain its really hard to ignore it.
Being sick must be a theme this week I have headaches nausea, dizziness, and just have no energy what so ever. I have a doctor app tomorrow and I have a feeling its my anemia again but then again who knows.
Had to ho to the doctor today been having migraines which have been debilitating. I have hardly gotton out of bed or ate this week.

Doctor is not 100% why they are worse but he put me on a very strong migraine med. I have to go back in 4 weeks.

I also learned don't google symptom on the net. Darn near though I have the Black Death or worse.
I pulled out my tubs of loose G3 Ponies and sorted them by colour. I intended to redo my Excel list but got overwhelmed and stuffed them back in the tubs after just counting them. There's 403 poor Ponies, cursing my name. At least they got a brief taste of sweet, sweet freedom. I so desperately need a Pony Room, but I need the library more. Maybe when we build on.
Great news about the adoption. I am always happy to know a child has a loving home.

I am just sick of what has been going on with my health lately. I have been really sick and in horrible pain for days. Boooo hiiiissssss go away you nasty monster! It has made me really crabby and to be honest I have not really done much of anything lately other than go through things in the house to clear clutter trying to keep my mind off of it. Its kind of hard to ignore pain though. Some pain you can but this pain its really hard to ignore it.

*big hugs tula-roola* hope you get better soon.
I pulled out my tubs of loose G3 Ponies and sorted them by colour. I intended to redo my Excel list but got overwhelmed and stuffed them back in the tubs after just counting them. There's 403 poor Ponies, cursing my name. At least they got a brief taste of sweet, sweet freedom. I so desperately need a Pony Room, but I need the library more. Maybe when we build on.

Man! Thats a huuuuge collection!I'm surprised you didn't have a mini-stampede on your hands foofoo. :D
Man! Thats a huuuuge collection!I'm surprised you didn't have a mini-stampede on your hands foofoo. :D

I even started to set them all out by colour then stopped at orange. I have a lot od doubles, and it appears ten bazillion Scootaloos. I know they made 5 bazillion, but still. I gotta Scootaloo army whether I intended to or not!
I even started to set them all out by colour then stopped at orange. I have a lot od doubles, and it appears ten bazillion Scootaloos. I know they made 5 bazillion, but still. I gotta Scootaloo army whether I intended to or not!

Now all you need to do is have them construct a rocket powered hovering scooter for you!
no a chariot pulled by many many scootaloo's.

This too, sounds like a fantabulous idea. They will thank me for the workout.
My knees hurt a lot too. Especially when I bend down and stay in that position and try to stand back up again. Its the worst. Then I had to go and slam my knee into the corner of a chair a day ago and that hurt worse than anything.
My knees hurt a lot too. Especially when I bend down and stay in that position and try to stand back up again. Its the worst. Then I had to go and slam my knee into the corner of a chair a day ago and that hurt worse than anything.

Owie! Nothing hurts like slamming an already sore knee! I ruined mine playing sports and man, am I regretting it lately. I know they're going to tell me i need replacement surgery, like I could afford that. Action Hank will just have to carry me everywhere!


I'm afraid you and I are getting ready to be sent to the glue factory, tula!
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