What's on your mind?

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I need to invent Shoe on a Stick. Friend to arachnophobes, short people and arachnophobic short people.
Hahahah the horse Baby Quackers was grooming fell asleep until Countdown saddled him and then the horse whacked him in the head with his tail XD he sort of deserved it for leaving his bike out.
Got a not splitting, but still annoying headache due to it being "that" time of the month again that prevented me from drawing. I'm watching a video review of The Real Ghostbusters instead.

Also my brother's out for a documentary contest thing that's gonna last for 10 days and I'm trying really, really hard not to go mother hen on the guy. I can't imagine what it'll be like when I actually have kids!
Is it bad I am glad my mom will be going back to her school job in a few days.

I love her but moving back home and being around her, my sister who just had a baby, my dad and his fixing everything and my brother-in-law who does not seem to understand I don't play Zelda or the batman games.

When this house will be quit now that a vacation.
Oo poor wee mice:sadpony:

Guinness (my first cat) use to bring in the biggest water rats when I live in Waipara, usually at 5 in the morning when my vegetarian sister was visiting. That wasn't so bad it was the crunch crunch crunch while he ate them that was just nasty. Guinness was a one cat rodent demolition machine like Horse from Footrot Flats.
They were all bad field mice. They had it coming. :D

Man, most of the cats here are too lazy to hunt. Bounders, one and all.
Texan cats probably don't wanna go out in case they are hunted not hunter lol Dinner for a large snake or eagle :eek:

The week after I moved back to Marlborough they caught 18 mice in the workshop the first week, they only got two while Guinness was there. He should have been on the pay list.

Bullseye is nearly as efficient at the joinery workshop. But the boys bring me token birds, large bugs or the odd mouse, though they prefer to steal me gifts. Lately my own hair ties
heh... one of my lazy cats Mr Sassafras Melvin sneaked into the owl house thinking he would quickly steal Hesse's dinner before I could stop him (they can only get in there if they follow me in). He grabbed some of Hesse's meat (he likes to eat gizzards and livers, yummy!) and Hesse grabbed him! Even for a small owl, Hesse showed that cat who's in charge! Mr Sassafras ran away yowling, not permanently damaged, but well accosted. Hesse went quickly back to his perch and clicked in triumph.

You need to teach them to rob banks! Get some major dosh... whoever would suspect a cute little kitty?
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The thought has crossed my mind............

Guinness was the only one who's ever stolen money. Five dollar notes were his fav to flog, I think it was the orange colour he liked. But he only ever stole them from me :rolleyespony:

Luckily he hid them under my bed

Poor Mr Sassafras, he's probably scared for life
If Mr Sassafras would conduct himself like a gentlecat, he would not find himself committing these social faux pas and getting his butt handed to him. :D

Hmmm, obviously Guinness has the makings of becoming a master criminal. You need to somehow teach him to steal money from hardworking people. Have him become a politician! They do it all the time!
He was criminal master mind and just a machine in general. There was nothing gentlecat about him

He got dive bombed by magpies in our garden when we first moved to Waipara. I got up the next morning to a mascara. The whole Magpie family was lined up in my hall like a safari hunt line up. He'd waited until night to climb the tree & take them out. He also beat the tar out of the bosses doberman on a daily basis. Ya don't get a nickname like Satan unless ya are a bad *** kit lol

Guinny was a vineyard legend
I had a super sweet mama cat named Angel that was given to me when I was 8. She was a killing machine like that. She'd bag mouse after mouse, bullied the neighbor's German Shepherd, chased huge tom cats. Then she went into the house and pretended to be quite a Civilized Matilda, as my mom joked.

Man, I miss that cat. I need a new Angel cat. Only asskicker I have now is Dart Melvin and she's just a hellion, but not a legendary type. Mainly she trips us to run into the house to eat the poor dog's food.

(I have one inside dog, a 15 year old Jack Russell named Pinky Lee Bowels)
Yeah Guinness was just like that, I miss him too even his beating me up when I didn't give him his own way LOL
Yeah Guinness was just like that, I miss him too even his beating me up when I didn't give him his own way LOL

You know you're a slave when you own cats. You just accept that. :blackcat:
Lol that's the one. Guinness, as the irish name suggests, had a horrific temper. He was a big cat with too. Boy did a lose some blood in the first three or four years of his like. I remember trying to go to work many time with him wrapped around my leg biting, clawing & kicking. If he wanted into the bed at night I had to let him or he would bite my nose and just hang on. He was just nuts bless his little cotton socks
Guinness sounds like one of those legendary cats you only meet once a lifetime. What a history he laid out for himself. An epic cat!

I'm dealing with a bit of a nutter right now. I have a huge tabby named Oliver (25 pounds!) who is in the house but has hid every moment since Saturday. I lost track of him for two days then my house cat Magic ratted him out. In the library, which is packed with books and junk. Of course. The most wretched room in the house to navigate. Not somewhere clean like the den or dining, oh no!

What a fight he put up, but between Hank and I we wrestled him into the bathroom. Now I've prepared the largest kennel cage I own to pop him in. I'll be able to interact with him and he can't escape my love now! NYAHAHAHAHA!
Oh yeah, Guinnys life could be an all time classic cat novel. Most of it would be hilarious, there are some horrific Guinness stories. He's like that one mate everyone seems to have that has a few drinks and does the most random stuff, but it is a little sad at the end. He had a growth in the back of his throat/sinus area that got the better of him.

Wow Oliver must be a big boy. I do love me a good tabby :ponylove: They make the bestest kits

Oliver sounds a little like Leo when he came home. Fox & I had a good connection before I took the kittens home from the workshop, letting me pat him, play with him & pick him up. He just took to the life of house kitten like he'd been born to it. I think he is a very old wise soul & the kindest most loving cat.

But Leo had to be tricked into the kit cage with food, basically I abducted him and smother him with loves like it or not. He was like Oliver hiding at every given chance in the most awkward places, right at the back of the linen cupboard was his fav. And the little monkey was almost impossible to find. Lucky Fox was on hand to help. Leo still likes to hide in his cupboard for his naps, he just claws out anything in his way. He's got a shelf to himself now it's just easier that way lol Also the old kit cage is full of his stolen woolie scarfs that is his night bed where he sleeps waiting for me to go to bed
Almost got side swiped by a very large Pepsi big rig today on the Bridge that you have to cross to get to my bank and Wal-Mart. Me and another car had to hug the edge of the road over the bridge just cause this truck driver could not stay in his lane. Traffic was bad enough with the free tax weekend and school starting Monday. I was almost ran down for a bottle of school glue for .25 cents. You don't mess with Parents when they are buying school stuff.
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