What to do When Gipped?


Dollar Store Baby Fakie
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 9, 2005
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
So last month I did a trade with someone here on the trading post. I sent out my half of the trade and never received anything in return. I have not heard from this person again, either. I did message them, but they didn't reply.
What do you do in this situation? Just sit back and count your losses? Thankfully it wasn't a big trade. Makes me wary to trade with newer members, which is a shame, because I'm sure most of them are honest and nice. ;)
I would suggest PMing one of the mods and explain the situation and they can help you in private.
I second that - I would contact the mods - maybe they can help you out.

Have you seen if that member was online after your trade?
When she hasn't logged in since a while - maybe there is a way to contact her by email? You never know what's in real life goes on and why she may hasn't logged in.

All the best for you.
Send one more message to the person, letting them know that you're bringing it to the mods.

On the person's profile, have they been around? Are they posting here? What about any of their linked sites? Sometimes people totally drop off the face of the Earth due to illness or the Internet being shut off.

Also, the term "gypped" comes from gypsy, because people assumed that they were all thieves, hence the term meaning someone ripping you off or stealing form you. It's not a very nice term to use, especially around people of roma descent.
i almost got ripped off on here once, luckily i didn't put enough stamps on my end and the post office returned my half back to me, i never recieved anything or heard from the member i arranged it with, so i never resent my half. that was about 6 months ago, maybe longer, now. sorry for your loss. if you still have her mailing address give that to the mods when you report it.
seriously phekzhen? Can you save the PC garbage for a political forum? It is getting so sickening that you can't make a simple statement anymore because you might hurt someones little feelers. It's bad enough on the news but now toy forums? Come on.
Lol! I shouldn't stick my nose in it, but I about fell over laughing picturing all the gypsies browsing the pony forums.

Ponies are very pro gypsy, they even have their own mascot.

I'm allowed to comment because of the 1 gypsy somewhere back in my family. Really, I don't' know why but I find this totally hilarious.


- FarDreamer :heart:
The My Little Pony Preservation Project
LOL Far Dreamer!!

I had forgotten about her and she is quiet adorable! People who can laugh at themselves are much more fun to be around!

Lol! I shouldn't stick my nose in it, but I about fell over laughing picturing all the gypsies browsing the pony forums.

Ponies are very pro gypsy, they even have their own mascot.

I'm allowed to comment because of the 1 gypsy somewhere back in my family. Really, I don't' know why but I find this totally hilarious.


- FarDreamer :heart:
The My Little Pony Preservation Project
seriously phekzhen? Can you save the PC garbage for a political forum? It is getting so sickening that you can't make a simple statement anymore because you might hurt someones little feelers. It's bad enough on the news but now toy forums? Come on.

FOR. REALZ. Bless your heart Skylar. ;3

And to being actually on topic, Cerulean, I would also suggest PMing a mod. Sometimes it takes a mod getting involved to light a fire under some people's bums. ;) I really hope everything works out for you though!
Kinda harsh ganging up on someone for having consideration for others...Albeit, the statement was indeed unnecessary (I highly doubt that definition, if true, is common knowledge among people of gypsy and non-gypsy decent) but if it really bothered you guys it would have been more polite to not belittle him..
*Totally ignoring the subplot in the thread**

I will say this... I try to maintain contact with people I'm trading/selling with because I want them to know that things get busy and I'm in the process of getting it all together (like today, I'm supposed to make a post office run after work, and it has to wait until tomorrow because I came home and crashed last night instead of staying awake) instead of forgetting about them.

I'd say PM the person one more time, and give it a couple of days, and then PM a mod and see what they can do to assist you.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
So last month I did a trade with someone here on the trading post. I sent out my half of the trade and never received anything in return. I have not heard from this person again, either. I did message them, but they didn't reply.
What do you do in this situation? Just sit back and count your losses? Thankfully it wasn't a big trade. Makes me wary to trade with newer members, which is a shame, because I'm sure most of them are honest and nice. ;)

If you ever have a trade problem, please contact a moderator ASAP. :eek:k:

Also, to everyone: Please keep this thread civil and on topic, or it will be removed.
I hope you can get everything sorted out, and I hope this lets other people know not to be afraid to speak up when people don't hold up their end of the bargain.
That's really too bad :( I second (third, fourth!) everyone's suggestion to contact the mods. I hope they can help! I also hope you find other new members to trade with who are trustworthy :) Since I'm one, I do hope most of them are!

Also, the term "gypped" comes from gypsy, because people assumed that they were all thieves, hence the term meaning someone ripping you off or stealing form you. It's not a very nice term to use, especially around people of roma descent.

Thank you very much for pointing this out. Regardless of whether the user understands the origins of the term, using words that perpetuate harmful stereotypes isn't appropriate anywhere. Helping to spread the word is always appreciated.