What does this look like to you?


Spoosh McSpoosh
May 26, 2005

I sold a commission on eBay recently, and am working on the guy's idea. He doesn't want a pony-like commission; rather, he specified a different kind of creature.

My question: can you tell what this is supposed to be? I'd like to find out if I hit the mark, since I have never tried to draw this kind of thing before.

Looks to me like a fawn-type thing like from Narnia. Half-goat, half-human? Mr. Tumnus (from the movie) had small horns and ears that stuck out to the side like that. Just my guess. ^_^

sheep or goat?
Bull? or Ram? I'd agree with the faun/satyr thing if I could see how the body is (like, more humanized)...
Thanks, all! It's indeed supposed to be a bison (or a "buffalo" at his direction).

I'm feeling more confident in the form, thanks to you :)
I think he looks a little bison-ish but he needs a harry chest and back behind the head otherwise he might look a little like a bull with an afro. I take you are doing more than a bust pic? Very cute start.
Without reading too many entries, I'd say a type of sheep. Like the pony friend Wooly, but with horns