What do you think is the weirdest pony name?


Cherry General ⚓
MLPTP Supporter
Oct 5, 2007
So there are alot of ponies and alot of names, what do you think is the weirdest one?

I think maybe Romper is the weirdest one for me, because in norwegian 'Romper' means 'butts' :394::mrgreen:

Also i think Floater is a weird one. There's probably alot more! Share!
Weird names... Hmm.

Names like Star Hopper and Sky Rocket, as great as they are, remind me a lot more of Transformers than My Little Pony, don't know if that counts. :D

Sew-and-So (Girl Squad!) and Tink-a-Tink-a-Too. Who names their kids that?

Also, I remember Melody's sisters in the Tales show were called Jing-a-Ling and Ting-a-Ling. Let's just say that after having watched Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, I can't take those names seriously anymore. :p

There are probably many, many others.
Tootie Tails. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to be anywhere near a horse's tail if it toots.
Jazz Mattazz
baby Ribbs
baby Graffiti

Although Whizzer, Floater, Steamer and Night Cap all get honorable mention.
Oh, and Quackers! Can't forget Quackers!

Lol, Shenanigans... Isn't there a pony called Skedoodle? Someone at Hasbro was in an old-timey mood...
Tipsy Tulip
baby Ribbs
baby Squirmy
Munchy is pretty weird!
Floater, Pillow Talk, Player are all weird to me. Also Woosie and Tipsy Tulip. Those last two would go well together!
Sniffles--I think it's odd to have a pony named after a cold symptom.

And the set of newborn twins called "Sticky and Sniffles" (as opposed to Sniffles and Snookums). That's just totally gross.
Woosie - the fact that she has mice as a symbol I keep thinking: Hasbro, are you trying to say this pony is a wimp? :scratch:

Also, what is it with Baby Ribbs? He's got a dragon. I keep thinking of ribs on a barbecue - you know - fire breathing dragon barbecuing everyone.

I agree that Munchy, Sniffles, Tink-A-Tink-A-Too (goodness, you can get a hand cramp writing that one) and Tootie Tails are not so great either.

Star Warrior
People,why you kep ridiculing Tink-A-Tink-A-Too?Her name is just imitation of a sound bells make...
People,why you kep ridiculing Tink-A-Tink-A-Too?Her name is just imitation of a sound bells make...

I think it has to do with the length and repetitive nature of the word. For me it's hard to think of it as a name as opposed to a sound description. I always refer to her as just Tink-A-Too... Of course I suppose it's better than Ringer or something like that. :p