What do you like about Variants /Nirvanas?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 15, 2008
I don't own many Nirvanas but am curious as to what people like about the different ones? What are the features of Greek, Spanish, Italian, Macau, Argentinian, Brazil etc etc that makes you fall inlove?
I don't own many Nirvanas but am curious as to what people like about the different ones? What are the features of Greek, Spanish, Italian, Macau, Argentinian, Brazil etc etc that makes you fall inlove?

I love variants of any type :D

I've just started collecting Italians and they're the Nirvanas I'm going to concentrate on mainly . . . I know they're not always perfect but they really appeal to me I love their blue eyes even if they're not always painted on quite right :) I also like how they have the 2 rows of plugs right up all that hair is awesome.

One day I'd love to collect Greeks the colours are so amazing . . .
I just like the ones which have appealing colour combos
I only have 10 Nirvanas (9 technically with 1 on the way) and I just love everything about them.

Italians... I love their body texture and I love how the symbols are painted on (as opposed to glittery) and more refined. I also love how all of them have baby blue eyes. <3 Spain ponies are lovely too because their hair is a very unique texture and they have slightly smaller poses. I LOVE Argentina ponies because of their unique bright colors, and all the different obscure variations. My Mexican Moondancer is on her way to me, but from the photos I saw of her she is just to die for.

I would love to collect some Greek, Brazil, French, and Peru ponies. I've heard greek ponies smell like vanilla!
i just love variants and nirvanas. i love collecting stuff! and i really like collecting different things of the same thing, are you with me? :p i want every variant, it's a dream :lol: i'll try my best ^_^ i don't really know why i want them so much, i think it's just something that tells me i need them. and they are usually gorgeous :D
uhm I lke variants cause they are the same pony but different! with another pose and seems to be very funny to watch it in another way that you usually see.
Nirvanas are special cause are very different from the common ones, they are unique! you will never find those unless its a variant of another country.
I love to see different countries views on the same pony. For example, you can have the same pony that looks completely different depending on where she's from :) I find that fascinating. MLP is like a universal language! And certain countries like Greece for example make for a collectors paradise with all their different color variantions.

It always makes for a good mystery seeing variants pop up and wondering about their origins :wink:
I love Argentina ponies because of the crazy colour combos, and Greek ponies have beautiful eyes . I don't own any Greeks yet, but I am hoping to get one for christmas... ;)
i love how greek ponies smell :) they smell like vanilla!! its quite addictive :p

love pkw xxx
I don't own many,either.
I like them because some variants are beautiful...like argentina variant Cool breeze,also lavender Woosie.
I like Nirvanas because they are interesting:lol:Like Princess Sparkle....a battery operated pony...WOW:tongue::D
I love the variation. They are just like people, inherently the same yet just different enough to be unique. I like to imagine their history, at least if I can't travel the world, my ponies have! LOL