What do you *do* with your ponies?

Mostly on my shelves, these days~ a couple times out of the year, I box up my customs to display at markets, fairs, stores~

As a kid, ponies just went with me everywhere just about. Camping, shopping trips, trips to grandma's house... and omg school. XD I'd get teased at school for playing with ponies during play time during class x___x
I will sometimes tote them around with me places(babies), take them to brush their hair, watch tv with them, and yes I will admit I will play with them a little bit.
Silly of me, but I like to give them lil kisses sometimes before bed.
My collection is in a shambles. Some are displayed, some are in boxes. But I do try and do silly things with them and my boyfriend. Last year we took our Lyra and BonBon Funkos on a double date to a The Last Unicorn screening. I decided that it was Lyra's favorite movie because its about a unicorn who turns human (and I even got to say that to Peter S. Beagle himself)!

Some pics: http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC/photos/all_photos/?photoAlbumId=17670582

I sometimes bring my older Ponies around Bronies so I can educate the kids these days. I brought the Rescue at Midnight Castle cast to the season 4 finale meet as well as my very first Pony ever I WAS VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THAT FINALE MMKAY *cries*
My ponies mostly sit on shelves alongside other toys, waiting for that fateful hour of the night when the cat prowls and may or may not knock them off their perch. The suspense is high, the tension augmented by Clever Clover, whose tales of facing the beast, only to fall 5 feet onto the hardwood floor multiple times frighten the baby ponies and perturb the other adults.
"As long as she doesn't get her fur on my flocking, I'm fine" says Paradise, much to the confusion of the other ponies.
"You're not afraid?" Asks Baby Cotton Candy, sticking her tiny nose up in amazement.
Paradise chuckles. "No, not at all. Besides, she's not a bad kitty. She just wants to play."
"Easy for you to say." Says Clever Clover, still recovering from his latest confrontation. "She has no quarrel with you, nor interest in your perch."
"Nor she does you. To her, we're nothing more than random things she can move around. Plus, we're ponies! We don't have pieces to lose, or articulations to break off. The worst she can do is give us a bit of momentary pain and a bad hair day."
"But my factory curls!" Cries Fizzy.
"Or my tinsel!" Adds Princess Tiffany.
"Oh, please!" Patch steps down from the metal box she rests on. "I fell a bunch of times too and my hair is fine! Besides, your tinsel is way beyond helping, Tiffs."

...What did I just do?
Anyway, yep, mostly shelf sitters, unfortunately. Sometimes I'll take one of them with me around the house to keep me company, which is something I've done since I was a kid. I don't take them outside for fear I might ruin their paint. ^^;
I wish I was able to play with them as I did with my toys, but I think I lost about 90% of my spontaneity throughout the years... I guess the closest I could do now would be photo stories, or something along those lines. I'd still need a proper camera, though.
That.... That was beautiful! :lolpony:
Most stay on the shelves in the pony room. I also like to set up displays with the ponies and take pictures =)