Volunteers still needed for MLP Fair 2015


Customarily Custom
Feb 11, 2014
Rosietrot here (Rose, the Volunteer Coordinator for the 2015 MLP Fair) and I am looking for volunteers to help in the game room to run the fun! Get this year's exclusive volunteer pin for 1.5 hours of volunteering.

This year, fair attendees will be getting a game punch card in their packet to play games. Each time they play a game, a spot on their card will be punched. I need volunteers to punch game participants cards, manage lines, furnish participants with game supplies, and explain the game direction cards at each station if they need help.

The games this year are:
  • Rarity's Gem Trunk
  • MLP Treasure Hunt
  • Applejack's Apple Toss
  • Sugar Cube Duck Grab
  • Mermaid Pony Ring Toss
  • Parasprite Toss

The times available to volunteer are on Saturday from 11am-1:30pm and Sunday from10:30am-12:30pm. You can see which times are still available by clicking on the schedule link here: My Little Pony Fair Game Volunteers Schedule Any blank slots on the schedule are available.

If you would like to sign up to be a Game Volunteer, please send me an email at rosietrotroundup@gmail.com with the following information:
  1. MLP FAIR 2015 VOLUNTEER in the subject line
  2. Full name (Last names kept private: schedule will show first names only)
  3. Cell phone number (Kept private: only for staff to contact you if necessary)
  4. Which game, day and time slot in which you are interested
I will respond with a confirmation once I have scheduled you. And of course, email me if you have any questions! Asking does two things: clarifies information for you and helps me evolve my methods and make future processes smoother.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon,
Rose Addis AKA "rosietrot"
Volunteer Coordinator
My Little Pony Fair 2015
bumping this post. There are still quite a few volunteer spots open to run games at the Fair. Please consider volunteering... or if you are bringing a significant other, friend, or family member that has no interest in pony stuff why not sign them up to volunteer while you shop or catch a panel? ;)