Virginia Pony Meet?


TAF enthusiast
Oct 30, 2010
Hi and apologies for my long hiatus. Things were pretty bad and I just couldn't commit my focus to pony stuff during that time. But that's not what I wanted to talk about today.

I attended the Virginia Pony Meet a few years back and also made the website for the event. Little did I know that the domain name has been renewing with the registrar all this time. I now know this because I've just been hit with a $40 charge for this year's domain renewal.

So I was just wondering, are pony meets still going on in Virginia? If so, I might be interested in going and even if I don't please know that I'd be more than happy to hand over this domain name to the coordinator if they need it.

I also heard that the Pony Fair is not going to happen this year. I should've seen it coming, as Hasbro shut down operation for its yearly Transformers convention not too long ago. Seems like the wan to consolodate everything into this HasCon thing they're doing in Rhode Island. Personally, I think that's a pretty lame move. With the Pony Fair gone, I would think pony meets would be needed now more than ever to preserve that sense of community among collectors. Has anyone been thinking about doing a meet anywhere? Not necessarily Virginia?