Valentine's Day Card Exchange Sign Ups *CLOSED*

I just got my Valentine's gift ready today, so I hope to get it out tomorrow. :)
Yay! I got another Valentine today from Foxbite (I think...I accidently left it down in my car and it's too cold for me to go get right now lol). It had a super cute illustration of a pony kicking it in the card. Also, I received some G1's in the mail and my State tax return. Ponyspreeeeee!!! I had a great mail day!
Tyrseight said:
Yay! I got another Valentine today from Foxbite (I think...I accidently left it down in my car and it's too cold for me to go get right now lol). It had a super cute illustration of a pony kicking it in the card. Also, I received some G1's in the mail and my State tax return. Ponyspreeeeee!!! I had a great mail day!

That IS a great mail day! o_O :D
I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who sent a Valentine to our troll :oops: . I sent my secret gift out Friday I hope my Valentine likes it *trying really hard not to reveal gift, can't keep secrets* :wink: !
I got another today - from LadyDayDreamer - thanks so much for the candy! :D *Licks lips*
Woohoo I got a mailbox full of valentines today; no bills or anything else, just valentines hehe. Thank you so much Gingerbread (omgosh your card was soooo cool, and I loved all the confetti),Ajcoecoe (those were two of my fav pony valentines) and Ladydaydreamer (CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!)

I'm so happy, I think this is going to be one of my best Valentines Days ^_^
I'm glad you liked my card! I got 3 Valentines today, it was great (all of them had candy inside)! Thanks LadyDayDreamer, MoonShard and MoodyMinty! :D
I got Gingerbreads too today! I bet ill get some more tommarrow!!!!*squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I also got some baits in the mail today. :D

YOu did a great job on your valentines Gingerbread! I glad you got one of mine. I was afraid the post office was going to be supious of my valentines >_>
ahh! Im sorry everyone! I was late and just got the majority of my cards out today (feb 8th) the seccond batch will go out tomarrow....

in happyer news.... Ive recived cards from:


woo 11 left! I cant wait! has anyone gotten their mini gift yet? Id love to hear what everyone got!

~ Diana
Tyrseight - heheh, that's neat. ^-^

Gingerbread, I forgot to say I got your's - I loved it! Hurray for confetti! :D

And I got one from Foxbite today - so perty! :D

I think I'm missing someone, lol.

I got most of the rest of mine mailed out today - the last 5 will go out tomorrow. :)
alright guys, you're going to hate me for this.. but I was planning on sending out the cards yesterday, and got sick. I missed work yesterday, school today and just called in sick for work tomorrow.. so I can't really make it to the post office right now. I'm afraid my cards are going to be a day or two late =/ I'm really sorry.
I got my gift! Princess sent me the Campus Ladies viewing party kit! Had a dvd, cozies, megaphones, popcorn, all kinds of stuff! And candy and a disk she made me of pony clips and shows too! I'm having a blast watching all kinds of pony cartoons.
ABrownCrayon said:
alright guys, you're going to hate me for this.. but I was planning on sending out the cards yesterday, and got sick. I missed work yesterday, school today and just called in sick for work tomorrow.. so I can't really make it to the post office right now. I'm afraid my cards are going to be a day or two late =/ I'm really sorry.

Hey! Don't be so hard on yourself, you couldn't help being sick. Besides, I think it will be kinda nice to get Valentines after Valentines day. Take good care of yourself and get well soon!!!
I've started getting cards and mini valentines and it's SO nice to open the mailbox and find colorful happiness rather than "Vinny's Pizza" coupons. :lol:
I've been getting cards for about a week now and I got the awsome gift from Moonshard! Thanks I love the book! I sent out the last of mine yesturday so they all should be showing up soon,

Okay guys, I sent out my valentines already but then I got a big ole box of letters today. yeah they returned them to me. Apperantly I didnt attach enough postage. Im sorry. I hope they get to you guys in time but if not, Im sorry. :oops:
ABrownCrayon said:
alright guys, you're going to hate me for this.. but I was planning on sending out the cards yesterday, and got sick. I missed work yesterday, school today and just called in sick for work tomorrow.. so I can't really make it to the post office right now. I'm afraid my cards are going to be a day or two late =/ I'm really sorry.

Bah, don't worry about it. ;)

Wintersnow - I think we'll live, lol. NO worries!
Weeeee...thanks for such a cute Valentine Ichigo-Pinkchan. It's so sweet (and I love the stamp you used!!!)
I just got LadyDayDreamers valentine today! The card looks awesome and the poem is really cute! I also recived Foxbite's yesterday. This is sooo much fun.

Ivy-glad you like the book! :wink:

I have all my valentines taped to my wall. :twisted: I'll put them all in my pony scrapbook sometime in March. :D

Dont worry about sending your valentines a little late, **** happens. But thanks for telling us and being honest. :D Beside, the ones that came after Valentines Day gives me a excuse to keep them on my wall longer! :twisted: LOL