URGH! Customs


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Mar 2, 2009
Right, so I ordered a pony from a seller. Payed, she shipped. I know customs has an issue with mould or anything that looks like it, so naturally I always make SURE the pony has none.

Saturday I received a slip to say a package was at the post office. I quickly got there jsut before they closed (they close at 12 on Saturdays). Got the box, drove home.

At home I opened it, only to get a note that says: "Toy item has been removed as it was suspected to have mold."


I can now get my pony back, if I drive to the customs department between 9am and 3pm daily and PROVE that it isn't mold.

Like, *inserting lots of sarcasm* yes, customs. I don't have a job where I have to be for 8 hours daily! I can drive around after you all day and never take the train in to town! And I can HIRE a scientist to come in and prove it isn't mold. IN FACT I can tell my boss I'll be away for HOURS from work, because I have to pick up a MY LITTLE PONY!

*Sorry, loves. I had to vent.

But, really! Is the (almost) $9 I payed for a minty Bluebell worth that effort?
Or should I just get a new one?
