~*~Twinrova~*~ TLOZ Custom Swap (PIC HEAVY) Zelda Custom

Mar 23, 2008
Okay, so this is the *real* swap pony :p I know you'll like her, Skeen! Technical crap. Bait was a Triple Treat II. Sculpting was Sculpey, and hair is Firebird and Daquiri Ice from Dollyhair (a WHOLE hank of the first, just a few scraps left of the latter.) I give you all, TWINROVA! :D I made her paintjob just a little rough in a few places. She *is* a Gerudo hag, afterall!
First, who she's based off of:


And now, the pony herself!









Stop drooling all over your desk, Skeen :p

that's soooo cool! :D
Wow! She's all finished now! She's such a cool looking character. Your pony represents her really well. I love the crazy eyes. Wow, that's so much sculpting! I don't think I could ever do that. The hair colors came out really great, and I love that color you used for the 'skin.' Very Gerudo-ish ^.^ She came out awesome DPP! I also really like that pic with the Zelda games/Hyrule crest. ^.^
Wow! She's all finished now! She's such a cool looking character. Your pony represents her really well. I love the crazy eyes. Wow, that's so much sculpting! I don't think I could ever do that. The hair colors came out really great, and I love that color you used for the 'skin.' Very Gerudo-ish ^.^ She came out awesome DPP! I also really like that pic with the Zelda games/Hyrule crest. ^.^

Knowwhat the best part is, that's a MINT TIN! :D I have one of my own., and I bought one for the Skeenster to accompany TR ^_^

Srsly, best work yet, DPP! I can't believe you pulled it off, but you totally did! I'm in equal parts in awe and totally jealous. I do NOT sculpt, and I totally hate you because you can. <3

Also, don't let her eat those mints in the tin. You KNOW she'd do it, too, nasty old hag. She's the next boss I have to battle too.

LOL She has puffy pants.

Ooh, you just WAIT til you see yours!

LOL! I'm still finishing up her stand and scepters. But you lykes her, YAYY! :yay:
Believe it or not, those puffy pants were the hardest part. And the hair. That...I give Kar credit for helping me on that one xD
DPP you are way too hard on yourself and I never want to hear anything about you "sucking" again. You get better and better with each piece of art you do. As soon as you get some proper tools and develop a steadier hand you will be unstoppable.

She is AMAZING. I love it <3
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Wow... really really REALLY impressed. Your sculpting is crazy good! She is your best custom yet! and i loveeeeee the pants XD
Seriously if you lined up all your customs in date order it's just awesome. Like I said to you earlier, no one is born good at this stuff. If you are then lucky you. You're younger than I am and you definitely do a better job haha. And also something I've noticed. Your lines are getting smoother. And that's HARD to do!

Your work just keeps getting better. That picture you made of Minda was absolutely stunning. Keep making more. Keep surprising me!

I'm still jealous though how you can draw with a tablet and stuff XD Maybe when I finally ocme over your house you can teach me. I don't thik my brain works that way o_O
I'll also agree with others your skills are getting much better . This is your best one yet
Thank you so much, everyone. I noticed I got a little color on her eyelashes, so i've fixed that and given her her infamous redlipstick. :911:
wow DPP i think shes definately your best one yet, she looks great. the concept is really good and the sculpting looks great. i think the only thing that could be improved was if you thinned your paints down a bit and built them up in layers, it gives a much smoother finish and way more control over things like fine lines on the eyes (using a tiiiny brush like a 3/0 is really helpful for this too), shes looking really good though, shes shown so much improvement since your first customs :)
wow DPP i think shes definately your best one yet, she looks great. the concept is really good and the sculpting looks great. i think the only thing that could be improved was if you thinned your paints down a bit and built them up in layers, it gives a much smoother finish and way more control over things like fine lines on the eyes (using a tiiiny brush like a 3/0 is really helpful for this too), shes looking really good though, shes shown so much improvement since your first customs :)

Thanks for the tip! :eek:k: I do need to buy a new set of detail brushes. Next time I get some moneh, that is :hide:
Agh, those pants look even better now than the preview pics you sent me. Khamsin totally wants to wear that outfit. You sculpting really has improved by leaps and bounds. ^_^

DPP, to help with getting cleaner paint lines, I was wondering if you'd tried painting on a canvas/flat paper at all as practice? Sometimes just practicing how to direct the paint can help. (Totally shameless plug to get you to try acrylics in an ATC swap, here, LOL!)

Like Technofilly said...with some better supplies, a little more practice...I can see good things for your future art!
Agh, those pants look even better now than the preview pics you sent me. Khamsin totally wants to wear that outfit. You sculpting really has improved by leaps and bounds. ^_^

DPP, to help with getting cleaner paint lines, I was wondering if you'd tried painting on a canvas/flat paper at all as practice? Sometimes just practicing how to direct the paint can help. (Totally shameless plug to get you to try acrylics in an ATC swap, here, LOL!)

Like Technofilly said...with some better supplies, a little more practice...I can see good things for your future art!

Mind-reader! I ma using acrylic backgrounds on my ATC's this time ^_^ And thank you so much ;) Your pony would definately look good in Twinrova's outfit <3