Traveling Swap Box - Feedback Left! Album Link on Page 10!


Resident Lyrical Vault she/her/hers
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 9, 2005
About the Swap:
The Traveling Swap Box is a box of pony goodies that travels from member to member until it eventually makes its way back to the original sender. Each member takes whatever he or she likes from the box and replaces each item with an item of equal value.

Participation Requirements:
  • Minimum three months membership.
  • Minimum of 10 positive feedbacks on any of the community sites (MLPTP, Arena, PonyIsland). Negative feedback will be investigated.
  • If you are involved in any other swaps in ANY of the community's forums, you must tell me. Please do not take on more than you can handle. Only you know your limits, but I would prefer that you not be involved in more than three swaps, including this one.
About Minor Swappers and Sponsors:
Minors (ages 16-17, per TP guidelines) may join if they are sponsored by an adult member. You must check in with your sponsor at the specified times just as you do with me. Your sponsor must then check in with me to verify that you have checked in with him/her. Sponsors will receive sponsor feedback for the swap.

Requirements to be a sponsor are:
  • At least 21 years of age.
  • Minimum one year membership.
  • Minimum of 15 positive feedbacks on any of the community sites. I will investigate any negative feedback.
  • He/She must check at the specified times to verify that his/her sponsee has checked in.
Available Sponsors:

**A note: If you don't meet the requirements now, don't despair! The TP holds many wonderful swaps throughout the year, so you will have many more chances to join the fun.**

Swap Requirements:
  • I would suggest that anyone wishing to participate in this swap already have a decent amount of trade goods on hand.
  • I would also suggest setting aside at least $10 for shipping costs, more if you are willing to ship internationally.
  • If you sign up for this swap and do not have trade items on hand to replace what you want from the box, you must replace the items you take with items from your personal collection. If you are not prepared to potentially do so, please do not take the item. Taking things that you cannot replace, tempting as it may be, takes the fun out of the swap for everyone.
  • Ponies taken must be replaced with ponies of the same generation and condition. If you take a good G1, replace it with a good G1. If you take a new G4, replace it with a new G4. This is to ensure that no one receives a box with only one generation/condition of ponies, as some collectors only collect certain generations.
  • Ponies put into the box may not exceed $20 in value.
  • In addition to ponies, the box may include accessories, merchandise, plushies, customs, artwork, custom baits, or custom supplies. (IT IS UP TO YOU TO VALUE YOUR OWN CUSTOMS OR ARTWORK AND RECORD IT IN THE NOTEBOOK.)
  • Any small items such as confetti or charms must be placed in a zip-seal baggie. Many members have pets or small children who could potentially choke on these items.
  • There will be a notebook in the box. Each participant must document what was in the box when he or she received it, what he or she took, and what he or she put into the box.
  • Each participant must PM me when the box arrives. Please include a photograph of the box’s contents upon receipt and a photograph or scan of the notebook page of the person who last had the box.
  • You must also PM me when you send the box to the next person. Please include a photograph of the box’s contents after you’ve put things in and a photograph or scan of your notebook page.
  • Please do not hold onto the box for more than 10 days. If you keep it longer, it will be noted in your feedback.
  • If the box is beaten up when you receive it, replace it!
  • You must purchase delivery confirmation within the US ($.80). All participants must purchase insurance in case the box is lost (IN THE US - $1.75 for up to $50, $2.25 for $50.01-100...).
  • I understand that life can sometimes throw us curveballs. Should a problem arise, I ask that you PM me ASAP so that appropriate arrangements can be made. I don't know that something is wrong if you don't tell me, and I can't spend time tracking you down to find out. I don't want or need details - just your status. If something happens that causes you to ship late or you disappear and I am not informed, feedback will be left as deserved.
  • It is YOUR responsibility and YOURS ALONE to ensure that the package is shipped properly and on time.
  • When the swap is completed (when the box comes back to me), I will leave feedback for all participants. Participants may leave feedback for me as an organizer, but you will not leave feedback for other participants.
Important Dates:
March 19-31: Swap sign-ups. References will be checked as I receive forms.
April 1: Travel order posted.
April 7: skig shipped.
April 14: Firefly received.
April 26: Firefly shipped.
April 30: PonyMommy received.
May 16: PonyMommy shipped.
May 19: chipsterj received.
May 27: chipsterj shipped.
May 30: Sherbet received.
June 3: Sherbet shipped.
June 9: Stormchaser received.
June 18: Stormchaser shipped.
June 20: nsunshine received.
July 2: nsunshine shipped.
July 6: bowtiepony received.
July 16: bowtiepony shipped.
July 26: PT received.
August 5: PT shipped.
August 12: gotbunny received.
August 22: gotbunny shipped.
August 24: Recyclebella received.
August 31: Recyclebella shipped.
September 2: Jewel received.
September 6: Jewel shipped.
September 8: skig received. Box is home!

To sign up, please PM me the following:
Screen name and e-mail address:
FOR MINORS ONLY, screen name of your sponsor:
Real name and address:
Are you willing to ship internationally?:
Links to your feedback:
Please “e-sign†(your screen name and first and last names, i.e. skig, Jamie Black) after the following statement:
In signing up for this swap, I agree that I have trade goods on hand to replace whatever I may take from the swap box and funds to ship it. Furthermore, I accept that should I not have trade goods on hand, I will replace any item I take with an item from my personal collection.

skig -> Firefly -> PonyMommy ->chipsterj -> Sherbet -> Stormchaser ->nsunshine -> bowtiepony -> Peppermint Truly -> gotbunny -> Recyclebella -> MustBeJewel ->skig
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Oh yeahh!!!! I've wanted to do this too!

I would definitely sign up for this.
I was part of the last one, I think it was ajcoecoe's box. It was great, and I'd be down to participate :)
I was part of the last one, I think it was ajcoecoe's box. It was great, and I'd be down to participate :)

I signed up for that swap, it was in like, 2007. Four years later the box still hasn't made it to me LOL! I remember there was probably around 30 or so participants and it was moving along really good until it got to a member who ended up dropping off the face of the earth. Which was really disappointing cause I don't think it even survived to make it 1/3 of the way through the list of participants :rain: Not to rain on your swap parade, I'm sure this one will go smoothly and everyone will do their part and have a fun time!
This sounds like fun !
Great idea :)
This would be so fun! Would it be ok to put a little goodie from where you live for the next person down the line? Like maybe some postcards or something little like that. Either way I'd be in :)
Sounds like sooo much fun!!! :D

What if there's nothing in the box you want though, hehe?
And I'm wondering how much time will each participant have to send the box out...I mean, what if you need to order ponies from abroad? That'll take longer. Whereas some people may have a full trade box of ponies available, so they might need very little time to send the box on.

And will everything be posted here? Or just written in the notebook so that it stays a surprise? I suggest the second one ;)
tsuki, it's fine if you want to put things like that into the box. :)

gazzy, I'm sure there will be plenty of things in the box. Between 4 (and a half?) generations of ponies, accessories, pony merchandise (plushies, stickers, etc.), and customs/custom supplies, there should be something for everyone. :)

I'm looking at the timeframe for each person to have the box to be about 7-10 days so that it can move quickly. If you want something specifically for the person you'll be sending to, it'd be best to start shopping immediately after the traveling order is posted.

What's in the box will be kept to the notebook only and PMs to me.
I am SO tempted. When are you planning to launch this thing, skig?
Wow, I have never heard of a swap like this. It sounds very cool!
Sounds like that game of telephone!

The box would arrive at each person's house with same quantity of items to choose from?

I would be game for something like this!
Yes, the quantity should remain about the same. Whatever you take from the box, you'll put something of equal value in. Whatever pony/ponies you take, you'll put one (or more, if you take more) of the same generation and condition in. There will be a value cap on the ponies.
I'm looking at the timeframe for each person to have the box to be about 7-10 days so that it can move quickly. If you want something specifically for the person you'll be sending to, it'd be best to start shopping immediately after the traveling order is posted.

So will we post wishlists?
I'm just a bit worried about that will I know which ponies I'll pick so that I can have their replacement ones beforehand?